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  • same here…
    it would be nice, if we could get an update for this plugin.


    [email protected]


    Same here. I can still create passwords for a page and save it, it even says it the page is password protected, only NO password is asked when logged off… I would also be very greatfull if you could solve this. thanks.

    Alguien ha encontrado un sustituto de las mismas características


    I am getting a different bug

    If they enter a wrong password they are directed to a blank page

    If they enter the correct password, they are directed to a blank page, but if they click back they can see the signup page.

    I am in a real bind and need this resolved, any help would be appreciated!

    Hy guys !

    if you have a blank page after the redirection, i’ve posted a fix here

    I hope that help you !

    He probado a cambiar la línea 39 según indicación y sale error en línea 39

    Abra el archivo “” en el directorio “inc” Ver la línea 39

    wp_safe_redirect (wp_get_referer ());

    sustituir por

    wp_safe_redirect (get_permalink ($ _POST [ ‘post_id’]));

    No se a que se refiere directorio “inc”, lo he hecho en editar el plugin


    thanks @chritchan for this fix.
    now on 4.5.x the plugin works like it should and did before ??

    Chritchan , muchísimas gracias, no me funcionaba porque me limitaba a copiar el texto que pones en el enlace y como no funcionaba lo he escrito y OK

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