This is not WP issue. this is due to contact form 7 changes.
In file cf7-campaignmonitor.php on line approx:161 replace whole function function wpcf7_cm_subscribe($obj)
with this code
function wpcf7_cm_subscribe($obj)
$cf7_cm = get_option( 'cf7_cm_'.$obj->id() );
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
if( $cf7_cm )
$subscribe = false;
$regex = '/\[\s*([a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z:._-]*)\s*\]/';
$callback = array( &$obj, 'cf7_cm_callback' );
$email = cf7_cm_tag_replace( $regex, $cf7_cm['email'], $submission->get_posted_data() );
$name = cf7_cm_tag_replace( $regex, $cf7_cm['name'], $submission->get_posted_data() );
$lists = cf7_cm_tag_replace( $regex, $cf7_cm['list'], $submission->get_posted_data() );
$listarr = explode(',',$lists);
if( isset($cf7_cm['accept']) && strlen($cf7_cm['accept']) != 0 )
$accept = cf7_cm_tag_replace( $regex, $cf7_cm['accept'], $submission->get_posted_data() );
if($accept != $cf7_cm['accept'])
if(strlen($accept) > 0)
$subscribe = true;
$subscribe = true;
if( isset($cf7_cm['CustomKey'.$i]) && isset($cf7_cm['CustomValue'.$i]) && strlen(trim($cf7_cm['CustomValue'.$i])) != 0 )
$CustomFields[] = array('Key'=>trim($cf7_cm['CustomKey'.$i]), 'Value'=>cf7_cm_tag_replace( $regex, trim($cf7_cm['CustomValue'.$i]), $submission->get_posted_data() ) );
if( isset($cf7_cm['resubscribeoption']) && strlen($cf7_cm['resubscribeoption']) != 0 )
$ResubscribeOption = true;
$ResubscribeOption = false;
if($subscribe && $email != $cf7_cm['email'])
$wrap = new CF7CM_CS_REST_Subscribers( trim($listarr[0]), $cf7_cm['api'] );
foreach($listarr as $listid)
'EmailAddress' => $email,
'Name' => $name,
'CustomFields' => $CustomFields,
'Resubscribe' => $ResubscribeOption
basically these are the changes you need to take care if you are using any custom code related to contact form 7
/* Don't do this, since id property is no longer accessible. */
$id = $contact_form->id; // Wrong.
/* Use id() method instead. */
$id = $contact_form->id();
/* Properties form, mail, mail_2, messages, additional_settings are inaccessible as well. */
$form = $contact_form->form; // Wrong.
/* So, use prop() method to access them. */
$form = $contact_form->prop( 'form' );
/* To set the properties, use set_properties() method, like this: */
$mail = $contact_form->prop( 'mail' );
$mail['subject'] = "Well, hello, Dolly";
$contact_form->set_properties( array( 'mail' => $mail ) );
/* WPCF7_ContactForm object no longer has a posted_data property. */
$posted_data = $contact_form->posted_data; // Wrong.
/* Use WPCF7_Submission object's get_posted_data() method to get it. */
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
if ( $submission ) {
$posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data();