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  • Moderator keesiemeijer


    Can someone confirm if this also happens on the latest versions of wpml.
    See this thread:

    I have the latest verion of wpml

    It also happens on clean install of WordPress 4.0 with no particular plugins accept bruteprotect; installed using installatron.

    What happens is that as soon as you click on the ‘media’ button, it starts looping, bogging down servers. This bug needs immediate attention since it might even crash servers within hours as soon as people start updating. I’ve told my clients not to update and don’t update my own sites.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I’ve deleted your cross posted topic, please remain on one topic and start your own topics per the forum welcome.

    It also happens on clean install of WordPress 4.0 with no particular plugins accept bruteprotect

    And you’ve eliminated that brute protect plugin how exactly? ??

    What your describing isn’t necessarily happening to other people and may be particular to your setup. When you do a fresh installation and do not activate any plugins or add anything, what are you seeing?

    You don’t think I’d be willing to install and test again on a live server with ~600 clients on it, don’t you? Come on, it’s a serious bug! As soon as I (others reported it too, here as well as on Twitter) click on the ‘media’ button, WordPress starts looping.

    FYI the server setup is:
    8 Gb RAM [2 Gb available per user / LVE]
    Raid set with 64Mb cache disks (Seageate Constellations)

    Normal server load: ~ 1.0 or less,
    Server load as soon as the button was clicked: > 20.0
    And it kept that high untill Apache was restarted. In the Apache server-status I could see it was the Ajax component for media files.

    I assume this is enough for WordPress team. The only reason for me to register here is to tell you all about it. Do with it whatever you please.

    Rudy, there is no “WordPress team” here — just volunteers. Being polite gets better results when asking for free help from volunteers.

    Since this is a live site with ~600 clients on it, I assume you have several good complete backups and a good system for doing restores in an emergency. I’d suggest restoring the site from a backup before the upgrade, and then looking into the “BruteProtect” plugin you mention as a likely cause of the issue.

    Thread Starter xita5200


    For me the problem was wpml media. I deactivated it for now, and contact wpml team. Certainly they will make an update to correct the bug ??

    It seems that in my case the problem has to do with wpml, too. I deactivated wpml Media. That made it possible to upload new images without multiple duplicates, but it doesn’t work well. If I deactivate all wpml plugins, my site doesn’t work any more. I guess I’ll have to wait, too.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    You don’t think I’d be willing to install and test again on a live server with ~600 clients on it, don’t you?

    You only need to work on one installation and only need to assist us volunteers in helping you out.

    We’re not the one with the problem, remember? ?? Help us sort out your problem with you and perhaps we can find out what’s going on.

    Earlier I asked this question:

    And you’ve eliminated that brute protect plugin how exactly? ??

    What other items are running? Do you have a .htaccess file and if so can you share what’s in it?

    Come on, it’s a serious bug! As soon as I (others reported it too, here as well as on Twitter) click on the ‘media’ button, WordPress starts looping.

    It does not occur with my installation nor my test setup. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening to you but as above, we need more information to help.

    I updated wpml to the latest version and now it is working fine – I hope it stays like that. Thanks to everybody for the support.

    It was the WPML Media Plugin.



    THIS WORKED! Thanks Jaiji!

    1. Installed Force Regenerate Thumbnails
    2. Active
    3. Run scan
    That’s it!

    Hi peepz,

    – Force Regenerate Thumbnails did not work for me.
    – Uninstalling all plugins did not work for me
    – Even deleting wpml media plugin did not work for me

    Keep having those greyed out ghost thumbnails and when I scroll down they get infinitely multiplied..

    Anyone found another solid solution? Would be of great help ??


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