@robotor, let me know if you’ve had the same success that I did. But definitely pay attention to this thread, please. If we’re able to help find a fix, I will come back here and confirm/share.
@sterndata, believe me, it’s not my first choice to replace specific files in order to get a “bug” to go away. When it’s a fairly high profile sports site, though, I had to do what was needed in order to get the customer’s functionality back into place, especially since the team this site covers is competing for a national championship in less than two weeks.
Trust me, Steve, I’d love to help be a part of the permanent solution here. I actually did my part in contributing towards bug resolutions that affected WordPress MultiSite (I actually was one of the first to cross-relate two separate bug reports as being hand in hand). The fix was put in for 4.2.4 and 4.3. This was within my second month of working with WordPress, by the way.
This is why I’m going to do what Marius requested. ??
@clorith, debug info posted below.
I actually work for the hosting provider. We’re not just a WordPress hosting provider, we maintain over 175 WordPress sites, plus actively develop sites for customers.
I would rather not share this customer’s domain/URL publicly (as noted below in the blockquoted text), however, I can absolutely work with you directly to provide that information. Let me know how we can get connected, please.
As far as the hosting platform… we really only use two types of configs. A standalone WordPress system (NginX, Apache, PHP on the server, MySQL on a separate server), or if they’re a large site like this particular customer, Load Balancer runs NginX, four Apache and PHP servers with a separate MySQL DB.
This customer that I’ve worked on today, has the multi-web server front end.
I have a personal site that is also running 4.9.1, but running on the NAP combined single standalone config, and I don’t have any problems with the theme/plugin editor.
In addition to being one of the WP Devs, I’m also one of the server administrators (and DNS/domain guru). We’re not WP Engines, but Richweb’s not a small “fish”, when it comes to WordPress.
### WordPress ###
Version: 4.9.1
Language: en_US
Permalink structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS?: Yes
Can anyone register on this site?: No
Default comment status: closed
Is this a multisite?: No
User Count: 10
Communication with www.remarpro.com: www.remarpro.com is reachable
Create loopback requests: The loopback request to your site took too long to complete, this may prevent WP_Cron from working, along with theme and plugin editors.
### Active theme ###
Name: transcript
Version: 2.7
Author: Gabfire Themes
Author website: https://www.gabfirethemes.com
Parent theme: Not a child theme
Supported theme features: widgets, automatic-feed-links, menus, custom-background, post-thumbnails
### Other themes (3) ###
transcript (transcript): version 2.0.1 by Gabfire Themes
Twenty Fifteen (twentyfifteen): version 1.9 by the WordPress team
Twenty Fourteen (twentyfourteen): version 2.1 by the WordPress team
### Active Plugins (15) ###
Advanced Custom Fields: version 4.4.12 by Elliot Condon
Advanced Most Recent Posts Mod: version by Kailey Lampert
Akismet Anti-Spam: version 4.0.2 by Automattic
Change Author: version 1.3 by Martin Teley
Countdown Pro Wpdevart: version 10.0 by wpdevart
Facebook Comments Plugin: version 2.3.6 by talspotim
Gabfire Widget Pack: version 1.4.13 by Gabfire Themes
Google XML Sitemaps: version 4.0.9 by Arne Brachhold
Health Check: version 0.7.0 by The www.remarpro.com community
Jetpack by WordPress.com: version 5.6.1 by Automattic
Mobile Theme Ads for Jetpack: version 1.2.1 by Jeremy Herve
Richweb WP Lockdown: version 2.6 by Jordan Burch, Jacob Dunn & Doug Hazard
Simple Tags: version 2.4.7 by Amaury BALMER
Tapatalk for WordPress: version 1.4.0 by Tapatalk
TinyMCE Advanced: version 4.6.7 by Andrew Ozz
### Inactive Plugins (3) ###
Google AdSense: version 1.2.1 by Google
vBulletin lateset threads comments – WordPress Plugin: version 0.1 by Arfan
WP Maintenance Mode: version 2.0.9 by Designmodo
### Server ###
Server architecture: Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae i686
PHP Version: 5.6.30-0+deb8u1
PHP SAPI: apache2handler
PHP max input variables: 1500
PHP time limit: 90
PHP memory limit: 300M
Upload max filesize: 32M
PHP post max size: 32M
cURL Version: 7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1t
SUHOSIN installed: No
Is the Imagick library available: Yes
### Database ###
Extension: mysqli
Server version: 5.5.5-10.2.8-MariaDB-log
Client version: 5.5.54
Database prefix: wp_
### WordPress constants ###
WP_HOME: Undefined
WP_SITEURL: Undefined
WP_DEBUG: Enabled
WP_DEBUG_LOG: Disabled
WP_CACHE: Disabled
WP_LOCAL_DEV: Undefined
### Filesystem permissions ###
The main WordPress directory: Not writable
The wp-content directory: Not writable
The uploads directory: Writable
The plugins directory: Not writable
The themes directory: Not writable
The Must Use Plugins directory: Not writable
Note on File Permissions: We (Richweb) have a security plugin that “locks” / “unlocks” the site, which allows files/folders to be writeable. Every customer can manage this via their WP Admin interface. Sites are locked when not in active development/updating status.