WordPress 4.9.1 Visual & Text not working
Hi my name is Tim,
and I hoping I can find an answer for this year problem that has plauged
me for over a year, Help!My laptop editor is not working (showing) for the new website the WordPress was downloaded for.
This is the second website I have had this problem with the
Visual & Text editor not showing (visible).
I’ve turned off the plugins, cleared the cache, under Profile
“Disable the visual editor when writing” unchecked and even added the
define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); to the wp-config.php file
and still no luck. by the way I’m using window 10 and everything that needs
to be updated has been updated.What I have noticed is that with this same laptop the Visual & Text editor
are just fine & fully functioning when I go to anyone of my other websites
to do some editing.The problem is after I download WordPress
for this new wesite it does not have a visual / text editor showing on that laptop.
I don’t think anything is wrong with the laptop because:1) It happened to me on another one of my laptops over a yr ago (different laptop same scenerio)
downloaded WordPress for a new site and no visual / text editor.2) This current laptop and it’s editor shows and works just fine
when I switch and use it for my other sites.One last note the editor works if I use other devices for this
new website. It only appears to be a problem for the laptop that does
the instalation and again this same laptop and it’s editor works just fine
on my other sites, any suggestions?
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