How to revert to an earlier version of WordPress?
How do I revert back to older version of wordpress? 3.9 sucks as it is really hard to drag a picture into a post as found a round about way to do it. And once I got the picture there am unable to size it to number of pixels as could do with older version.
Yes themovieman! That certainly is a part of what I am talking about. The rest is the problem that I can no longer simply drag apicture onto the post that I am editing.
ThanksThat’s neat (in a curious sort of way) and I wish I could reproduce that.
Any chance you can share a link to your site? Themes can produce that and this article may help identify what the problem is.
If it’s the link in your profile please mark that NSFW. ??
I’m confused about what we’re looking for in deactivating plugins…
What this is a case of is new core features overriding what appears to be a plugin or theme feature.
Deactivating plugins is going to do nothing to diagnose the issue as no matter how many plugins and themes you deactivate, the core features will remain and the plugin features will not…
In order to diagnose the issue you must revert back to the older version, then deactivate the plugins until the feature disappears. Did you make a backup when you upgraded?
No backup! I never did figure out how to do that. In the meantime to make new posts on those affected sites I am creating them on a site that still has the old wordpress 3.8.3 and copying the info to the affected sites. Crazy but it’s working. LOL
BTW! Would like to know how others are editing their posts with the new WordPress 3.9. They must be seeing the same problems?
Not a bad idea, actually.
I’m confused about what we’re looking for in deactivating plugins…
Something is messing up the visual editor and this whole exercise is about trying to determine what exactly that is.
Deactivating plugins is going to do nothing to diagnose the issue
It’s part of the troubleshooting process. Did you read the 3.9 master list? It explains much and has good advice.
In order to diagnose the issue you must revert back to the older version, then deactivate the plugins until the feature disappears. Did you make a backup when you upgraded?
That doesn’t diagnose anything. It was working before 3.9.
Look, if people want to downgrade to WordPress 3.8.3 that’s fine and understandable. But 3.9 was extensively tested and a lot of people contributed to it. Something is causing this issue for adairk. My guess is that it’s his theme and/or plugin but in order to isolate that all of the troubleshooting steps have to be tried.
I haven’t seen any JavaScript output or that theme wasn’t switched to Twenty Fourteen.
But everyone is complaining about this!!!
OK no one wrote that, I am just being proactive. ??
At the moment WordPress 3.9 has been downloaded 1,072,990 times.
That does not mean some people are not having this problem.
But please try to put this in perspective: 3.9 work for the majority of those users or we’d all hear about it. Oh boy, would we.
@adairk Please consider taking a break and reading all of the steps in the 3.9 Master List post. We all could benefit from learning why you are having this problem.
And if you need to then you can follow the manual update steps and install WordPress 3.8.3. The manual update link is in the master list too.
But the issue is a plugin isn’t working. Instead we have core functionality. My understanding is the visual editor is working as it would in a core install.
I used to be able to drag and drop a picture into my post and then clicking on the picture I would be able to put my pointer onto a corner of that picture and change it to any size I wanted and it showed me the size in print.
Now the only way I can place a picture on my post is to drag it and then my post turns blue and says “drop files to upload” and page goes away to a completely different page that shows the picture and the only way I can place that picture on my post is to “COPY IMAGE” and then back up back to the post page with the arrow on the top left and then RIGHT CLICK on the post and select “PASTE” which place the picture on the post. I can still SIZE the picture but it no longer tells me what size it is and have to guess. This pretty well doubles the time it takes me to make a post and very upsetting. Is there a way to go back to the older version of wordpress? OH! I don’t see that “site editor” or the “Custom Size” tou mention.Although that copy and paste thing is weird. Perhaps I misinterpreted and the issue is bigger than I thought…
It just needs to be made clear that deactivating plugins will NOT fix the resizing issue, or the blue upload screen.
Wow! I didn’t mean to cause all of this but just wanted to know if there were a way to go back to WordPressa 3.8.3. I regret downgrading to WordPress 3.9 on a few of my sites and after seeing the problems it has with not being able to drag pictures onto a post from another site and then be able to resize it, I luckily have left my remaining sites at 3.8.3. I don’t know that maybe it’s not a problem for another one plus million people although I don’t see how.
I thank all who have tried to help!!!!Oh and I just wish is someone could answer this question…
Can you drag a picture from another site onto a new post on your wordpress “Edit Post” page?
I cannot anymore with 3.9 as I could with all previous versions!
I want to see the image dimensions when I drag the corner of an image just like adairk mentions. Why did they remove that feature? The new version of wordpress is annoying so far. They need to bring those simple features back.
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