• Yes I’ve read all the other threads yes I’ve tried all the solutions (restarting, clearing cache, uploading new admin and includes, changing the language file to en.js and of course switching off plugins) and no, none of the above worked even with a fresh hosting account new install with all the above completed.

    I have the same issue on sites that are upgraded to 3.3.1 or sites that are fresh installs of 3.3.1 so I doubt it is an upgrading issue.

    What is even more intriguing though is that this is only happening on my iMac in Safari, Firefox and Chrome, Opera gets a little closer and displays all the visual editor buttons and the text content to be added as white on white. Now if I visit the same sites on my MacBook Pro everything is working, switch to the server and again they are working, ie8 on a windows 7 computer is also displaying the visual editor and I can even get it in Opera on my Android Phone.

    So I have come to the conclusion that it has something during installation that effects the computer the installation is being carried out on. It doesn’t just effect the web browser it as it effects all the others on that machine.

    Thankfully I can work round this and have a vague confidence that the client will get to see the admin as it should be with a visual editor.

    But my question is what can I do to clear this, to make the visual editor display correctly on the machine where the site was initially installed, if I only had one computer I would be in real trouble right now.

    Desktop Dog

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  • tfortuna



    I have done everything possible, all updates, changing themes etc, installed Google Library plugin but none of it works. Bottom line is, after a new install of Opera I can use it instead of the others till someone comes up with a solution. If it was a bug with OSX 10.7.3, then Opera wouldn’t work either. Yet you are able to work with Firefox after a fresh install. I tried that, went to the V11 beta and still no good.

    Thanks for posting.



    This issue is not limited to mac’s, as I’m having the same issue on my PC (Windows 7 x64). However, it’s functioning mine on my iPad.

    As @esmi pointed out, this appears to be an issue with the original install location and jquery.



    I had the same problem in both Firefox and Chrome on Mac w/ WP 3.3.1. I installed the Google libraries plugin as Esmi recommended and my problem was solved.



    @cableghost, @mobius1ski

    Thanks guys. I had done what @esmi had suggested.
    Unfortunately no go.

    I can get by using Opera or my other Mac & PC. Would have loved to come up with a remedy… Wanted to solve it…



    I have had a site up for several months working on it fine, only to open it up today and the visual editor is gone and I get the blank screen. The original wp install was on 3.3.1 before I added the theme and this problem happened. I’m on an imac, and it’s affecting all browsers. It seems to be okay on PCs.

    So how could this happen suddenly? I haven’t added any plugins or changed anything? I didn’t do any upgrades?

    I would really hate to have to do a reinstall because it’s a very complicated theme…and I’ll have to do a major reset of settings again.

    Any thoughts?





    Sounds like it might have something to do with your new theme. May be the codes used in the new theme are not compatible with WP 3.3.1 and/or Mac browsers? Have you tried switching to a different theme (like the default WP Twenty Eleven) to see if the problem continues? I would say try that to isolate the issue before completely reinstall the new theme/WP…




    If you haven’t got Opera as a browser I would suggest downloading it.
    All the solutions suggested in the forum didn’t work for me. It’s seems a really random problem affecting everyone differently.
    Opera after installation works fine for me, so I use it when on my Macbook pro. All my other Macs & PC have no problem at all. Let me know if Opera solves your problem? Good luck.



    I get this error message when I go to your website (FYI):

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/oneantw1/public_html/index.php(1) : eval()’d code:7) in /home/oneantw1/public_html/wp/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866




    Thanks for the info. On top of everything else, a lot of my own sites got hacked by malware and I have been fixing that. It should be okay by now. Maybe you are seeing a cached version that didn’t update yet…I’ll check it out again as well.

    As for the visual editor problem, I installed ckeditor (even though I have TinyMCE) and it got my text and toolbar back. At least that’s a remedy. Ultimately it doesn’t matter what system I have when I turn the site over to the client. I don’t want this happening to them.

    What really concerns me is that I have to add YET another plugin to make a core wordpress function work. Doesn’t make sense to me. This is a problem that has been on the board for more than two years and has cropped up in every version update and upgrade, and I don’t understand why it cannot be prioritized and fixed.



    Just thought I would add my two cents…

    I found a few of the solutions to temporarily help, however, the problem reappears, regardless…the Visual Editor section is blank.

    This started occurring after installing 3.3.1; don’t think it occurred prior to.

    After doing a complete browser uninstall and reinstall (FF 10.01), now I just need to close the browser and re-open it to regain access to the VE. Though a slight pain, at least its now accessible.



    Never had problems what so ever until i upgaded to 3.3.1. and lost the editor…
    I installed FF 10.02 instead IE9…and surprise surprise…..editor is back!!



    Please post your own topics.

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