• just post this to share an error i was having after upgrading to 3.0.1 from 2.9.2

    I was using WordPress MU with memcached object cache with memcached php module stable version 2.2.5 from https://pecl.php.net/package/memcache

    After upgrading to 3.0.1 and changing the rewrite rules to ms-files.php instead of blogs.php to manage the files of multisite blogs the images and files in blogs were not showed having this error in logs “zend_mm_heap corrupted”

    I am using nginx as a webserver and php-fpm but this error was also present in apache with php module. The difference is that nginx never showed the images and apache sometimes.

    Upgrading memcached php module from stable 2.2.5 to beta 3.0.4 from here https://pecl.php.net/package/memcache solved the problem


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  • Confirmed. I was seeing the same issue with object-cache.php after upgrading from 2.9.2 MU to 3.0.4 (on Apache). Some images would serve, some would not.

    Even an upgrade of the memcache PECL module to 2.2.6 seems to take care of the problem.

    Thanks Fernando!

    scratch that. I was wrong. I see the same error on 2.2.6.

    Alright. I’m still seeing an issue with object-cache.php not displaying (some) images when enabled on 3.0.4.

    When I started troubleshooting the issue, I noticed that if I disabled SHORTINIT in wp-includes/ms-files.php, all images appeared as they did in 2.9.2.

    When I dug a little deeper, I saw why — in 2.9.2, in wp-settings.php, a shutdown function is registered via register_shutdown_function before the SHORTINIT check. In 3.0.4, the shutdown function isn’t registered until after the SHORTINIT check (check is on line 92, shutdown register is on line 271).

    If I move the shutdown registration above the SHORTINIT check, all images appear as expected.

    Does anyone understand why this got moved? Seems like the shutdown function would never get registered in SHORTINIT mode, which could cause some unpredictable behavior.

    Hola Fernando, como estás?
    Tengo que hacerte una consulta ya que estoy en el mismo emprendimiento que vos, migrar un WPMU 2.9.2 a WP multisite 3.1, usando subdominios (ej: los blogs son xxx.dominio.com, yyy.dominio.com, etc) también queriendo usar nginx y php-fpm. Serías tan amable en pasarme la configuración que estás usando para el nginx? Que version de php estás usando? Desde ya te agradezco. Si lo consideras más apropiado, puedo darte mi email para que me lo envíes. Nuevamente, muchas gracias por tu atención y tu tiempo.

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