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  • Hi All,

    Looking at aggregating all of our WP sites into one WP3.0 install.

    Will these all work?

    Doing a complete server/blog rebuild and want to do it right the first time.


    @jpelker you know my blog? the tutes one? Link at the top.

    @nexenic you can;t map subfolders. ?? You CAN use what was called multisite in mu – yes there are plugins for this. That makes the blog have sub-blogs under it. Which, in your example site5.url would be another network within the same subdir setup.

    Hi! I’ve just installed the domain mapping plugin – and it works great!

    The only issue I have is with user registrations. Scenario:

    1. my site is at
    2. I create a subdomain blog and map it to
    3. someone visits and try to register (as a subscriber), by using the link from the “meta widget”

    What happens here is that the user first is redirected to, and then immediately to, which is a completely diffferent blog – different look, and of course, different domain name, which would be very confusing to users. Additionally, in the mail you get when you register, the link supplied is to… And the user is not even added to the blog at, so when he tries to log in, he gets a page telling him “You don’t have permission to view this site. Please contact the system administrator.”

    Any thoughts on this?

    Yep, default behaviour. ??

    But again, there’s a plugin for that, I just gotta go find it again….

    That was probably it. ??

    that’s incredible ?? have now merged 3 previously individual WP installs into one multisite install.. with this plugin, all is working well!

    I have succesfully installed the domain mapping plugin.

    I have a parked domain at godaddy and want to map it with my wp3 install with another hoster, where I have my multisites in subfolders.

    I am trying to figure out how to configure my parked domain. If I forward it to the subfolder I am getting the message that the request cannot be completed because there is an endless loop. I have read about CNAME settings but I cannot enter a subfolder here. Does anybody have a tip for me?

    @cinematic, Can’t tell if you’ve done this: GoDaddy can be the registrar for the domain, but the GoDaddy Nameserver records should be pointing to your “another hoster”, You’ll probably need to talk to AnotherHoster tech support to find out what info to give GoDaddy, and have them (AnotherHoster) point the domain name at your account.

    Try setting up WildCard DNS through CPanel, instead of changing CNAME settings (see Wildcard DNS on a Shared Hosting Account ). Does the same thing, but you don’t have to wait on tech support.

    On many (all? most? at least mine!) CPanel hosting accounts each parked domain lives as a folder off of public_html. If you try to create, it will be in the public_html/chess folder (not the public_html/games/chess folder). That affects how you should configure any redirects.

    thank you for your tipps, lernerconsult. I will have a look at the options with wildcard DNS …

    I’m not entirely sure if this is going to do what I need. So I’d like to explain that and see if anyone has any input. Sorry if I missed this or it’s a dumb question.

    I’d like to have multiple sites under one 3.0 install. The reasoning behind this is that I’m interested in upgrading all the plug-ins and having access to all the sites from one interface.

    The second part is I’d like to have admins that only have access to one site or another and not the original install. Is this possible with 3.0’s domain mapping functionality?


    I have the domain mapping setup and am working with a couple of sites that are now live. is mapped to is mapped to

    However, if you go to any sub page beyond the home page it routes to the original subdomain. How do I keep it on the domain itself instead of referring to the original subdomain?

    ***Update: I had not moved the domain-mapping.php file to the mu-plugins folder. This solved the problem.***

    I trying mapping domain.
    Want ->

    Want to know if I have to change my dns on gandi with ovh ?

    Thx a lot

    imho, Gallery 2 handles multisites in a very beautiful manner –

    I hope the WordPress devs will look how it does it fairly well. Rock solid for 200+ G2 multisites I help maintain. ??

    I have a subdomain for my main blog, and folders for sub blogs, how can I configure this to work for me? It doesn’t seem to be working. The domain just forwards to the root domain.

    My main blog is
    My sub blog is
    My domain name is I want to map to is

    This is where the domain is landing in correctly


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