• I noticed as soon as I upgraded to WordPress 2.8 RC (due to need for some functions added to the new version) that my custom post types no longer have the ‘publish’ box to the right of the content editor. End result: I can’t click ‘publish’ to save anything.

    Anything that can be done about it, and/or has anyone had a similar experience?



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  • when i implement the fix from jazbek… i can no longer do a quick edit. Does anyone else experience this as a side effect? Also does 2.8.1 upgrade fix any of this or cause more grief for the more fields plugin… or any other plugin for that matter?

    i am not having any problems with the quick edit feature. are you sure its not another plugin causing the problem? i am also wondering about the 2.8.1 update, someone fill us in!

    Quick edit works fine for me with more-fields beta 1.3 and WP 2.8.1. I’ve not been experiencing any new issues since upgrading WP from 1.8

    I take that back. Using the 1.3 beta without editing it I do lose the quick-edit capability.

    Applying jazbek’s edits to the more-fields-object.php and more-fields-write-js.php to either ver. 1.2.10 or 1.3 beta solves this for me using WP 2.8.1.

    Here are some basic observations. This discussion and support for this plugin in general is forked between the plugin authors support forum and this one here. The last time i can see that Henrik (dev) posted on the WP plugin support forum was 4 months ago. He started a thread on his forum two weeks back from this posting to discuss the beta testing of the 1.3 beta. So all who havent already should head over and grab the current beta, test it and give some feedback, a thank you and possibly some pocket change if you can swing it and maybe it’ll help the devs work the kinks out on the new release… community right?

    I have the same problem KingJeffrey had: WP 2.8.1 Editing Page now shows in one column, with the Attributes and Publish widgets far down the page. If I hit “Screen Options”, select 1 column and then select back to 2 column, the main column narrows and I can drag the widgets to the right sidebar. However, no matter what I try, the page reverts to single column when I refresh, or when I click “Publish”.

    Can anyone explain how the “Screen Options” settings work? I have not figured out what js is called when I click “Screen Options”.

    Any assistance appreciated.

    Can anyone help me figure out How to remove the boxes left in the admin menu for the POST’s? when U remove the plugin?

    I posted an updated version of the plugin on my blog, based on the changes mentioned above. Feel free to download it

    It was having some trouble showing / hiding the meta boxes on the “edit page” screen. Also, I feel like if you add a custom type, say “events,” when you click on that you should view all events instead of editing a new one (like how posts and pages work). I fixed that, too.

    I may have made a few other minor tweaks, too, but I didn’t spend too much time documenting my changes. Sorry. Anyhow, it seems to be working pretty well now. I wish we could get the original authors back on board. It’s such an awesome plugin.

    Oh yeah, and it’d be nice if there was a way to have “previous versions” for the other fields, but doing that would require some significant changes to the way the wordpress database is set up, which I think would be a bad idea.


    Regarding my earlier comment, it appears that it’s going to take more than donations and community to get this plugin up to speed with WP’s release cycle. I’ve stopped using and recommending this plugin entirely. I’m hoping there’ll be a gui to custom post types built into WP3.0

    I think I’m going the same way. The functionality looked perfect for my needs, but the problems it introduces in WP2.9 are just too much to work around. This plugin replies too heavily on the JavaScript of a much older version of WP, much of which has now changed.

    The lack of updates or any contact from the author is a problem that makes it difficult to see a way through this (considering how complex the JavaScript is).

    You cannot hang around with WP updates, since so many of them contain security updates that *must* be applied immediately they are released. It is up to the modules to keep up with WP – there is no other way it will work.

    I just don’t see any other plugins that do the same thing.

    — Jason

    Gotta agree with judgej. The developer did a poor job of update-proofing the plugin javascript, and in 2.9 all More Fields does is end up breaking my other plugins. It’s a shame, but oh well.

    We know we’ve been slacking with the updates. Sorry about that.
    We have a new beta version for you.

    rsanchez112: We have a thread on our support forum that lists incompatibilites with other plugins. Would be great if you would add yours.

    And, on the 3.0 note. We will be updating the plugin to conform to post types in WP 3.0

    Still having issues with ability to toggle / collapse post boxes using version 1.4b3

    I am using a modified version of the plugin (v1.3.10) and have resolved the toggle/collapse issue. I commented out the following code in more-fields-write-js.php (around line 143) since WordPress 2.9.1 ui.core.js does the same thing in a different way and the following code was undoing that. I don’t think this breaks anything else.

    jQuery(‘.postbox h3, .postbox .handlediv’).unbind(‘click’);
    jQuery(‘.postbox h3, .postbox .handlediv’).click( function() {
    postboxes.save_state(‘<?php echo sanitize_title($type); ?>’);
    } );

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