• At times when I save a post, the page editor disappears and I can only view what has been written out in HTML. However, once the VISUAL button is pressed I can no longer access the editor unless the page is refreshed. Also pressing the HTML button again does not work either. I simply cannot see the post.

    The only way to get the HTML back is to refresh the page, yet this still doesn’t allow me access the Visual Editor. The only option is to delete the post and copy the HTML into a fresh page and resubmit it.

    Also all the previous saved posts are not accessible.

    This is the 2nd time this has now happened since upgrading to WP 2.7. It does this after pressing the SAVE post button.

    WordPress was upgraded using INSTANT UPGRADE plugin.

    I hope there is a fix for this. Thanks.

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  • i was able to “fix” mine. I tried many of the techniques listed here including the cache clearing, adding the language EN to the config file, updating the tinymce directly from Tinymce, adding in the tinymce advanced plugin, etc, but what finally seemed to do for me was disabling the Kimli Flash plugin. I also disabled the tinymce plugin after as it was causing the first row of icons in tinymce not to break. Hope that helps someone.

    Yup! Try disabling the Kimli Flash plugin. Mine started to work again.


    Thank you so very much, I disabled the Kimili Flash plugin and the problem was corrected.

    Much appreciated!!!!

    Okay, just found out that custom smilies se (v2.3) is causing my issue with the tinymce editor. As said: In Firefox all worked fine. If i disable the smilies plugin in internet explorer 7 the tinymce editor loads without any problems. If i enable it again, there are no visual editor buttons.

    I’m having this same issue and the only plugins I have installed are Akismet and NextGEN Gallery.
    I will try the TinyMCE troubleshooting tips and see if that works.

    Those troubleshooting tips mentioned here do not work for me.
    I have disabled all of my plugins to no avail.

    I do not know what to try next. This is a fresh install of WordPress 2.7.

    I have a specific problem with the visual editor:

    I cannot create a link using the built in editor, no matter what permissions I give to anything, even 777 to all WP directories and files. When I press the link button in the built-in editor (the Visual part of the editor, not the HTML part of the editor), I get this error in a window that pops up in the middle of the browser:

    FORBIDDEN – You don’t have permission to access /wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/link.htm on this server.

    Any thoughts? I am using Safari 3.x, but this happens with Firefox as well.


    Thank you! Disabling the Kimli Flash plugin did the trick for me.
    I have All-in one SEO p[lugin but that seemed to have no affect.

    I think this deserves it’s own new thread… It’s not completely related to this issue.


    I have a specific problem with the visual editor:

    I cannot create a link using the built in editor, no matter what permissions I give to anything, even 777 to all WP directories and files. When I press the link button in the built-in editor (the Visual part of the editor, not the HTML part of the editor), I get this error in a window that pops up in the middle of the browser:

    FORBIDDEN – You don’t have permission to access /wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/link.htm on this server.

    Any thoughts? I am using Safari 3.x, but this happens with Firefox as well.


    eaglenick — I have tried my own thread. No response. I thought I would try to put the issue in something semi-related. It is really bugging me.

    Here is the thread I started:


    Thread Starter iqmatrix


    Nothing has worked for me either after trying all the above suggestions.

    Personally, the Visual Editor works when I create a new Post. However, after the post is saved a few times it is prone to playing up and I can no longer access it. However, when I create a new post and paste the old html code (from the Post where the Visual editor didn’t work) into it, then it will work fine again – and I may not have further troubles, unless of course it is saved one too many times. It’s incredibly inconsistent.

    On other Blog Posts, when I return to edit them, the Visual Editor just doesn’t work at all from the very beginning.

    I am getting the same result on the latest Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Prism.

    Personally I don’t use the Kimli Flash plugin. Therefore, at least for me, this is not the cause.

    There must be a global cause for this issue arising from the upgrade to WP 2.7. If we are all using different plugins and browsers then there has to be something more to this. Unless there are several plugins causing the same error.

    Can all members who are having problems with the Visual Editor clearly list the symptoms here.

    – Does it happen all the time?
    – Does it happen when you save a post several times?
    – Does anything else disappear when the Visual Editor plays up? For instance the revision posts disappear for me.
    – Does it happen for specific posts and not for others?
    – Can you paste the HTML from the Post where the Visual Editor isn’t working, and into another new Post? Does this resolve the issue?
    – Anything else you have discovered or any other symptoms that you would like to share about this problem.

    May be in this way we can gather an overall perspective of the extent of the problem.

    Possibly connected:
    WP 2.7 was working fine.
    Now –
    No screen options / Help
    Incoming links stays on loading
    Plugins – stays on loading

    Edit Posts (list)
    ‘List view’ and ‘Excerpt view’ tabs (at top of list) show themselves duplicated plus the alt tags are displayed.

    Click to add new post or edit a post/ page no visual, just html, but most annoyingly no file upload/ media access shown so basically I cannot post properly.
    Plus all the right side boxes are displayed without any styling, tag cloud doesn’t show, publish box is standard.

    I installed a new version on a sub folder and this works perfect. I then imported the main database to the new install, still working so I wiped the server clean, re-installed and the same problems returned. Did a reinstall on a sub folder – works fine again!

    Been at this now for 4 hours and tried every trick in the book!

    @iqmatrix if this happens only when there are few revisions, perhaps WordPress is running out of memory. Can you look at the html source and see if there are any errors printed near the end, or it stops before all is outputted (perhaps compare with the Add New Post page).

    @bigbadboy could be that there’s an old .htaccess file in the root directory (not visible by default in most FTP programs) that didn’t get deleted when you were deleting the old files. Is your FTP program set to show hidden files?

    Thread Starter iqmatrix


    Thanks for the suggestion azaozz. Unfortunately I don’t find any errors. Until I can figure something else out; all I can hope for is that the next update of WordPress can resolve this issue. Thanks for helping out.

    Yup, same problems here..

    Tried it all. Disabled all my plug-ins (I dont have the seo, or the tinymce, or the flash plug-in) – nothing. cleared cache on the blog, and both on my browsers and my comp. Then tried the full delete and fresh install.. nothing works.

    I do not have editing buttons on my editor, new or old posts.
    The editor will only stay on what seems to be the HTML editor, and if I dare to click the HTML tab again the whole edit box collapses and wont come back until I refresh the page.
    Also, on the little “Page options” button in the top right – I have to check the slug box every time anew.

    Havent tried installing it on a different folder, didnt see a valid reason for that since I deleted the whole thing and installed again.

    ..There must be something more general behind this.

    Any other suggestions maybe?

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