WordPress 2.5 Widget Interface – I don’t like it
I’m sure people worked very hard designing the new Widget admin interface for WordPress 2.5 – and I really don’t like criticizing someone else’s work. But I don’t understand the thought process here.
A perfectly functional (and very simple) interface was completely abandoned in favor of a very busy, very dysfunctional interface.
Give this idea some love to show that we’re serious about the problems with the new Widgets interface.
I posted a trac ticket regarding the fact that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to move a Text or RSS widget from one sidebar to another, and it got marked as LOWEST priority! Can you believe that?
Apparently the way the WP developers implemented multiple widget instances for Text and RSS has screwed things up. You can no longer have “persistent widget instances,” meaning more than one of the same widget in the “unused widgets” area. This is completely stupid!
And the only reason this was changed was because people wanted MORE than 10 text or RSS widgets. That’s fine! So did I, that’s why I modified the widgets.php file, very simple. A simple text field could have been created to allow users to define how many Text/RSS widgets they wanted, 1 to 100.
NOW, because of how multiple widget instances were implemented, it’s going to be almost IMPOSSIBLE to ever move back to the way things were (drag and drop, etc.). Viper007 suggests we think of a new way to move widgets between sidebars WITHOUT changing the current widget interface. UNACCEPTABLE!
I saw improvements, though sort of ridiculous.
The new widget works “better” except not being drag-n-drop-able. At least users can edit the content via the edit link. In the older versions, 2.1-2.3, the config was totally unresponsive if widget drag-n-drop had problem.From my experience with previous versions, rolling back may not work. You may need to install an environment that fully supported wordpress, such as staying away from windows.
But new problems there, the uploader does not insert links into posts. You may need to manually type the whole html code in.
We should all come up with an idea for a new interface that would be more functional.
What was wrong with the old widget interface?
I didn’t follow pre 2.5 disscussions but it allways worked fine for me and was very user friendly and simple I thought?
I agree, really nothing was wrong.
After seeing part of the (possible) reason the widget interface was changed (more than 2-3 “sidebars”), I agree with its simplification, but I too dislike the way it works now. I, personally, would like to see simple drag and drop between 2-3 sidebars made possible again.
This could also potentially solve the problem for those who keep text and RSS widgets prepopulated with content, and still work within the new re-coded widget framework. The solution there (drag and drop [or some sort of move right, move left control for when javascript is turned off] required) is to have a “Saved/Storage/Inactive” sidebar where these widgets are stored but are not visible on the front end of the site. This additional sidebar is just a normal sidebar added in through functions.php — or is even a “global” sidebar built into the core/added with a plugin — that isn’t called into any of the template files. Inactive Text/RSS widgets whose data needs to be retained are kept on that sidebar and just dragged/moved into the applicable sidebar when needed.
Another solution would be a “change/move to other sidebar” button on each widget. Click the button, sidebar list selection pops up.. select a sidebar and the widget is moved there and data is retained (I don’t know if this is even possible using the new framework). Used in conjunction with the “Saved/Inactive/Storage” sidebar, we still get that functionality back — and it lives in some sort of harmony with the new system.
I wish I could write this myself, but unfortunately, I can’t. Any plugin authors up for it?
Want to use the 2.3 widget interface in 2.5? You’re in luck!
Just download these files and upload/replace in the appropriate places! To use, just navigate to: https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/widgets2.php
I’d like to make a new sub-menu link to this page, but I don’t know how! Any help would be appreciated! I’ll also try to make this a plugin.
But for the time being, enjoy using the old interface with 2.5! Woo!
Thanks for the update Bryan. Here’s the codex page for admin menu creation and it also contains links to the plugin API.
On about the addon — it works well for arranging the widgets and moving from sidebar to sidebar (and adding widgets that are available in the “pool”) but any settings that are changed are not saved, and in fact, will wipe out all customization for the widget (only tried a text widget here). .. but for ONLY arranging widgets and moving from sidebar to sidebar, which is where the current admin loses, this is golden until a “fix” has been made for the new admin.
I think I also read in the other thread that this wasn’t meant to be a total fix, but more of a supplement, and that’s exactly what it does. Thanks again.
Thanks for pointing that out Chris, about the widget settings not saving. I’ll try to remove the edit option entirely to prevent that. Or try to make it work. But I’m not a PHP whiz!
And yeah, I saw that admin menu creation page in Codex. But that’s for plugins, and I don’t know how to make this a plugin.
For now, stay with 2.3.3 and lobby them like heck to keep posting at least critical security fixes for it.
The “upgrade” of admin functionality in 2.5.x is mostly a step backwards, especially for power users.
The only thing that was wrong with the 2.3.3 widget screen was the layout of the drop-zones, which I promptly changed (in the wp-admin/widgets.php file and some admin CSS).
Check out the result here: https://businessmindhacks.com/p/widget_mgmt_screen.gif
BTW, putting your custom code into the text widgets was never that good of an idea from an editability/manageability standpoint. The little edit popup for the text widgets was always a pain and liable to cause you lost code, etc. and the naming would get confusing since all they would show is “Text[x]”.
Best to put them into your theme’s functions.php and control them from there. Then just drap-drop on the widgets mgmgt screen. Oh right, I forgot, it’s not that easy in 2.5.x anymore…
That way you can also have multiples of the same widget if you have separate sidebars for index/posts/pages/etc.
Example code:
function widget_whas_dofollow() { ?><div class="whas_widget"><h2>DoFollow Community / BumpZee</h2> <p style="text-align:center;"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.bumpzee.com/no-nofollow/"><img src="/i/nonofollow.gif" /> <img src="/i/ifollowblue.gif" /></a> </div> <div class="endofwidget"></div><?php } if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') ) { register_sidebar_widget(__('whas-dofollow-1'), 'widget_whas_dofollow'); register_sidebar_widget(__('whas-dofollow-2'), 'widget_whas_dofollow'); }
I ran an experiment with back-porting critical security fixes from 2.5 to 2.3.3, mostly just to see if it was possible.
Here are the results:
As you’ll see, there were some issues, even though it worked overall.
Now before you flame me, please realize that I did this only to show that there might be a saner way to provide some minimal backwards security support for older versions, without forcing users to upgrade before they really want to.
In the 2nd post, I reference the Apache.org httpd server project, which is able to keep their versions 1.7 and 2.0 alive and secure as well, even though there is version 2.2.
Something to think about.
I am interested in all feedback as to what I did there, good or bad, just keep it civil. Thanks. This is meant as a genuine discussion of a problem that I see affecting a good number of people in this community, namely the more or less forced upgrades (due to security fears), and then having to deal with the fall-out.
I would argue that critical security fixes and new features should be rolled out separately.
Cheers! – Alex
By the way, I wanted to personally object to the “2.5hate” tag on this thread, and point out that I personally like WordPress and the power it provides (I think this may well be the reason that some power users feel almost like some of their favorite “power toys” were taken away from them with the 2.5 admin changes), otherwise I obviously wouldn’t be using it or spend time participating on this forum.
That said, there is certainly some maturation that could be useful for this platform.
Thanks for the links whas27.
I know it’s been 3 months since 2.5 launched and this thread started, but I just recently finished overhauling one of my websites — which means I just now have realized what a P.I.T.A. the 2.5 widget system is.
After spending all weekend hacking/modifying dozens of theme files to get the site looking just right, I don’t feel like downgrading to the old version, or hacking wp-admin files in order to restore the old widget system. But I wanted to add my $0.02 in the hopes the WordPress team will re-visit this thread and reconsider bringing the old widget system back.
The problems that annoy me the most:
- I wanted to “sideline” a text widget to move it from one sidebar to a different sidebar. But when I removed it — it was gone for good! It had some HTML tags (for the purpose of pulling in live stock quote images) which I will now have to rewrite from scratch. Had I known that what USED to be simply “sidelining” a widget now actually DELETES it, I would have copied the code into Notepad as temporary storage for it.
- The drag-and-drop to re-order things on a specific sidebar sucks. Many times, it would not drop where I wanted it — in fact, the widgets would land ABOVE the top of the list, or off the sides of the list. I’d have to re-drag/drop until they fell into the right places.
- If you add a new widget, then click “Edit” before saving, the widget disappears… just as if I had clicked “remove.”
And one major improvement for the future — give us the ability to use the SAME widget on MULTIPLE sidebars! I hate that you can only use a particular widget in ONE sidebar on the entire site. Obviously, the current system allows your homepage to look different from your post pages. But I want to be able to use SOME the same widgets on both.
The entire widget system just needs a good overhaul. Go back to the old version, and add the ability to use the same widget multiple times. I’m sure some people would even appreciate if widgets could be “category-specific” (or tag-specific or author-specific) so certain widgets only appear with certain posts which meet that criteria.
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