• Hi,
    I just upgrade to wordpress 2.5 – my theme is K2 RC3- and also install the WordPress stats plugin. I’m getting stats, but with a little problem: all the views and hits go to the same post (with pages it appears to works without problems).

    I search about that and find out some bugs relationated with that, but appears to happend in old versions of WordPress and the plugin.

    Does anybody know something about that?

    Thanks ??

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  • i’ve the same proble since i upgrade to 2.5.1 no hit to my counter and i have new comments.

    any idea


    I have recently installed WP 2.5.1. on godaddy hosting. When I activated Akismet, I opened a WP.com account to get my API key, so that Akismet could be activated. I then downloaded WordPress.com Stats 1.2.1 as a zip file, which I then unzipped. In the FTP program (FileZilla), I dragged and dropped the stats program into the plugins directory. When I go to my admin page and click on Plugins, I find that I have only Akismet and Hello Dolly – No stats. I’ve repeated this process three times, thinking I must have made a mistake, but the result is always the same. If I’m making a mistake, I must be doing it consistently. Do you have any idea what the problem is?

    Thanks for all your help

    I forgot to mention that the url is:


    Thanks again.

    rubidium, did you make sure to add the code on single.php and page.php which is required to make this work?

    I’ve also noticed some … strangeness with this plugin on my site. However, I’m not convinced it is functioning incorrectly. What I do notice is a disconnect between the searches and where the hits show up. For example I might get a number of search hits (say 5) for “witchblade art” on my site and I only have 1 page with the actual art in it, but there is only 1 hit on the page with the art. The reason I’m not convinced it is wrong is because I do have a link to this page on my main portfolio website and that is getting hits.

    Anyways, at this stage I’ve become convinced that there is no good way to really track traffic, almost all tools really show a ballpark figure and all are sensitive to dropouts and … voodoo.

    Oh, my site is https://www.eternalseven.com

    Thanks for the cool plugin!

    Im using wordpress 2.5 on my site and installed and activated Blog Stats by W3Counter. according to the instructions, it says after I activated the plugin, I have to add my tracking code to the plugin. I have the code, but where exactly do I add it too? when I click edit on the w3counter plugin, it just shows me the counters code.

    I have the same problem. Login and Password are not accepted. I even let me send the password again.
    As I use a wrong password I′m prompted to use the correct one. As I use the correct one I′m always prompted to login, again and again.
    I added the first line to single.php, index.php and page.php:
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    Version 2.6
    Plugin Version 1.3.2
    Site: https://chrissla.org

    Add the function call the <?php wp_footer(); ?> in your “footer.php” file of your template at the very bottom just before the </body> tag.

    How to fix WordPress.com Stats plugin showing zero (0) visitors

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