• Hello everyone,

    On my WordPress 1.5.2 blog that I recently upgraded to version 2.0, I can see only one page’s worth of Categories and Archives. Here is my blog URI:


    I’m using Mike Cherim’s Beast-Blog theme, which I think is terrific. However, this is the code I have on my single post template page:

    <div class="entrytext">
    <?php the_content('<p class="serif">Read the rest of this page &raquo;</p>'); ?>

    <?php link_pages('<p><strong>Pages:</strong> ', '</p>', 'number'); ?>


    Because I post entries to my weblog almost every day, I should have at least two dozen entries for each monthly archive link.

    Under Options > Reading in my WordPress admin console, I have Show at Most: 7 days configured.

    Thanks very much for any help you can provide.

    Tim Warner

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  • 1. <?php link_pages('<strong>Pages:</strong> ', '
    ', 'number'); ?>
    – this code has nothing to do with the “paged” view of posts, like on the main page or monthly and category archives.
    This tag makes possible to break long posts into more ‘pages’.
    [Too bad we have at least 3-4 different meaning for page/Pages in WP. Anyway, you can see an example for this here.]

    this is the code I have on my single post template page
    Per definitionem, the “single” will show ONE single post ??

    If you have 32 posts in a category and your blog is set to show 10 per page (see Options > Raading) then to have displayed the Next-Previous link pair, you need this template tag Template_Tags/posts_nav_link in your index or archive or catgeory template file.
    (see Template_Hierarchy)

    Edit. the posts per day seems to be buggy at this moment… use the posts per page.

    Thread Starter timwarner


    Hi moshu,

    I deeply appreciate your heads-up on the bugginess of the “posts-per-day” feature. As soon as I reset this in my blog to show X posts per page, I’m good to go. ?? Yay!

    Thanks, also, for your enlightenment concerning the pages/template tag stuff.

    Kind regards,

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