• Greetings all. We have a point release for Wordfence today, version 7.1.15. Please update as soon as you are able.

    • Fix: Addressed a plugin conflict with the composer autoloader.
    • Improvement: Reduced queries and potential table size for rate limiting-related data.
    • Improvement: Updated the internal browscap database.
    • Improvement: Better error reporting for scan failures due to connectivity issues.
    • Improvement: WAF-related file permissions will now lock down further when possible.
    • Improvement: Hardening for sites on servers with insecure configuration, which should not be enabled on publicly accessible servers. Thanks Janek Vind.
    • Change: Switched the minimum PHP version to 5.3.
    • Fix: Prevent bypass of author enumeration prevention by using invalid parameters. Thanks Janek Vind.
    • Fix: Wordfence crons will now automatically reschedule if missing for any reason.
    • Fix: Fixed an issue where the block counts and total IPs blocked values on the dashboard might not agree.
    • Fix: Corrected the message shown on Live Traffic when a country blocking bypass URL is used.
    • Fix: Removed extra spacing in the example ranges for “Whitelisted IP addresses that bypass all rules”
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