Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. May I ask the process that you went through to migrate the website please?
Here are some things that you can try to attempt to narrow down the cause. Enable debugging mode at the bottom of the Diagnostics tab on the Tools page and start another scan. Then go to the Scan page and to the right of the Scan Detailed Activity box can you click and send the activity to the email address that is pre-filled for you. Once we receive the email for the detailed activity for the scan it can help us to get more of an idea of what may be happening. In the meantime here are some other things to check.
Can you check to see if you have any overrides pointing to the old server file path in the following files:
The next thing to try is to add the code below to either your theme’s header of footer file (adding it to the top of the header file will help you to find the output easily when you get to the next stage).
<?php echo '<!--ABSPATH='.ABSPATH.' CWD='.getcwd().'-->'; ?>
Then load a page and look at the source code for that page and see what the file path is for the output of the code that you have added. Remember to remove the code afterwards from the theme file that you have added. If you need to use the search function on your browser just search for ABSPATH
We want to see if the file path is correct and matches the file path on the new server. Please let us know the outcome.
If the file path for the output above is for the new server can you check that the DNS records are correct for the website. If that all seems to be ok can you ask the hosting provider to check that /etc/hosts doesn’t contain your domain and the IP address of the old server?