I am still having a problem with
On the Facebook side. When someone clicked on the share button it would not load the picture and information into the popup box to be shared on Facebook, again this I think had something to do with the communication to my feed.
Is there any way I can set the firewall setting to minutes and block and not have this issue.
This issue only occurred after I set the firewall settings as per picture Capture5 and I have reset back to default which fixed the Aweber problem, but not the Facebook share problem. (I even used your assistance plugin to clear all the data, but it did not help)
I have sent an email to Jetpack support, as maybe they can help, please see email below
When you click on the Facebook share button on a post the feature image, title and description are not loaded in the share box. It also does not send the information and featured picture to my Facebook page when published just the writing.
Here are screen shot links before and after the issue
Captue5.JPG is a screen shot of setting that I set in the Wordfence plugin. This was causing similar problems (not communicating with Aweber for blog broadcasts). I have reset it back to default and the other problem went away, However this problem has not
Regard Paul