• Resolved imthepipe


    How does WordFence Central work for webmaster? From what I can see, it needs to be associated with one premium account – which the client normally (or at least should) controls. In my experience, clients don’t manage things like this as it’s too confusing and/or they can potentially cause big problems, so the webmaster handles it. This being the case, if the premium accounts of other clients (which the webmaster manages) are added, all the clients will see and have access to this info/functionality for all other clients – potentially causing big problems. Or, the one client associated with the account used to set up WordFence Central, will be able to see info for other clients/sites. Am I misunderstanding how this works?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support wfphil


    Hi @imthepipe

    Wordfence Central is available for free and premium users.

    If you open an account and add all of the sites that you manage on behalf of your clients then they won’t be able to see the other sites in your Wordfence Central account if they were to create their own Wordfence Central account.

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