The problem on local installation (XAMPP)When I try to open my site localhost/mysite – my XAMPP is my closes unexpectedly.
If I add in the httpd.conf file
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
</IfModule>everything works …
Do you plan to resolve this problem in the plugin (inside plugin) in order to not have to make changes in httpd.conf file?
Hi someone!
I’m fairly sure this is a bug in older software. It is definitely not something we see regularly on live sites. What is your operating system and Apache version?Hi someone!
Yes, I meant old software as in the Apache version. I’m fairly sure this only happens on old apache-windows systems. (I had a similar issue on an old local host install.) I’m afraid we do not officially support Wordfence on Windows servers. We do try to help when we can but I don’t this particular case is something we are going to be able to fix.Is there a later version of the XAMPP package you can upgrade to?
Yes, there are newer versions (with php7 support)
But I do not need it now (((
but in any case, thanks for the answerHi someone!
Just keep the apache config that you added which allows more threads to stack then and you should be fine.Hi, wfasa ==
I’ve arrived late, but have a related question and would much appreciate your help. My installation of the latest WordFence plugin (v6.2.8) runs as expected, but Activation displays a dialog window advising “Apache HTTP Server has stopped working. Two options are presented, butOS: Up-to-date Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Xampp local host: v5.6.24 (Control Panel v3.2.2)
The latest version available (several months ago) that was in line with HostGator’s PHP.Apache PHP: v5.6.24
This version is in line with the host, HostGatorMy Xampp is not old, but I think the OP’s issue is similar to or the same as mine. I find two httpd.conf files within C:\Xampp:
c:Xampp\apache\original\httpd.confQ1. Please tell me which of the two to ammend.
Q2. Must I add the expression noted above by the OP?
Q3. Does the code appear correctly in the OP’s initial post? May I just paste that in?
TomI accidentally SENT the post above before I meant to…
Neither option presented by the dialog window has any effect, and I’m forced to shut down Xampp to get rid of the dialog window.
If the code presented by the OP is correct, and if I can just paste it into
one or the other
(or both) httpd.conf files, please tell me:
Q4. Does it matter where in the file I paste the text?
Q5. When I next update WordFence, will the update wipe out the modification I made? FWIW, I’m using a child-theme.
I’m not knowledgeable about any of this (kenya tell? HA) It’s a WILD RIDE and I certainly appreciate your expertise!
Thanks, again,
First a correction. The two httpd.conf files appear in the following two directories:
C:\Xampp\conf\original\httpd.confThe OP of this thread provided the following code for addition to (one of the other) httpd.conf file:
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
</IfModule>I added that expression to the BOTTOM of THIS file: C:\Xampp\conf\httpd.conf
Then started Xampp,
Started its Apache PHP,
Started WordPress,
Then Activated the WordFence plugin…and now IT WORKS!THANK YOU, OP.
It’s common to develop WordPress sites in an Xampp localhost environment on a Windows OS. I think WordFence needs to address this issue and its solution prominently. It took me a LOT of time and trouble to find the solution contained in this thread, but WordFence could have made the fix Quick & Easy.Last CORRECTION from me, I HOPE…
The file to be modified is this one (I typed the path wrongly, twice!):
I’m trying to “pass it forward”, but seem to be “contributing confusion” instead. Duh.
Hi bothhands,
I am aware it is often used for development but unfortunately Wordfence is not officially supported on Windows environments. Despite this, I have previously provided the answer here. Glad you were able to find the right config file and get it sorted. Best of luck with your development!Thanks for your reply, wfasa, and I’m very glad for you involvement in this thread in the first place. Without that discussion, I’d still be seeking a solution.
I understand your point about Windows, and I’m sorry about the “comedy of errors” that is my series of posts above. No way for me to edit them; if you’d care to delete them for the sake of Clarity, please do (I even misspelled “wfasa” at one point…duh).
FWIW, I’ve used WordFence in the past and liked it. When I couldn’t get it to work this time I tried another security plugin (which shall remain nameless) that didn’t get along well with my highly-customizeable Themify theme. It caused 403 Errors when I tried to use the “Customize” feature…so I’m very glad to have WordFence back in the mix.
Hi again!
No worries. I know it can get frustrating at times! Just happy to hear it all worked out. Take care and happy holidays! ??AH! Thanks for good holiday wishes, and the same to you and yours!
I submit the following only in the interest of improved understanding for all concerned:
I much appreciate your including a LINK in your reply above. I actually *did* come across that link in “my maddening search” and I read it as best I could. But I’m very much “a layman” building my own WordPress site to promote my own creative endeavors, and due to my lack of technical knowledge/experience was not able to relate that thread discussion to my problem.I only mention this to emphasize how difficult “simple problems” can be for inexperienced WordPress/WordFence users. Perhaps WordFence might add the solution to its FAQ, or find some other way to promote it that does not drag you into support for Windows. I’d LOVE to be done with Windows, myself <grin>.
Thanks again, and Merry Christmas,
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