Hi everyone,
thanks for all your patience and support regarding this issue in the last few weeks!
I still regard this report as invalid, and many users and other developers agree that TablePress is doing nothing wrong here.
I’m still working to get MITRE, the organization that maintains the global vulnerability database, to mark the underlying report CVE-2019-20180 as invalid. Unfortunately, my several attempts to contact them have not shown success yet, as they have not replied to me at all yet :-/
Without that CVE entry removed, Wordfence stands by their company policy to keep their plugin’s notification about this in place. They agree that the issue is very low risk, has strong requirements (like an already compromised WordPress site), and that TablePress, the WordPress site, and the server are not vulnerable here. It’s also their company policy to mark this as “critical”, which is not a judgement based on the severity of the issue, but simply just coming from the fact that a public report is out there…
I have therefore worked diligently to find an enhancement in TablePress that will allow the Wordfence team to mark the issue as “fixed” or “resolved” in their internal database, so that they can turn off that notification in their plugin.
This enhancement will essentially escape (meaning: convert to text) certain formulas that can potentially dangerous when opened with the wrong program on a local computer, if these formulas are present when a user exports a table to the CSV format. As these formulas have no meaning in TablePress itself, i.e. TablePress can not and does not evaluate them, they are likely not present in legitimate TablePress tables anyways. The extra protection for users that are not careful (meaning: have turned on a dangerous feature in Excel, against Microsoft’s recommendation, and ignore two clear security warnings when opening an affected CSV file) will therefore also not impact performance during the export.
The changes will be coming in TablePress 2.0 very soon, and they are already part of the current development version TablePress 2.0-RC2, if someone already wants to use that. That version is available via https://tablepress.org/8-million-downloads-tablepress-2-0/
With this, Wordfence should soon stop sending that vulnerability notification. I will continue to work to get MITRE to remove the invalid underlying report, to prevent this issue from reappearing in other fashions anywhere else.
Thanks again for all your feedback and encouragement about this in the past couple weeks!
Best wishes,