Can you post which options you have enabled under the “Scans to Include” section of the Wordfence Options page?
You will need to temporarily activate the plugin again. If an automatic scan begins when you activate it, you can go to the Scan page and click the link to kill the scan, below the “Start a Wordfence Scan” button.
If you have “Scan images and binary files as if they were executable” enabled, or High Sensitivity scanning, you could disable those to make the scans shorter. These options are off by default in new installations.
If you have a very large number of pages or posts and have Falcon or Basic caching enabled, the disk space and number of inodes could also be high because of that, though this could happen with any plugin that does page caching. Are you using Wordfence’s caching, or any other caching plugin?
Usually the scan should only have one instance of the “wordfence_doScan” process running at any time, and a second one may overlap for a short period, since scanning is broken up into multiple processes due to time limits. One of the processes will start another one, and then it will end itself shortly afterward — so there shouldn’t be a lot of these running, but they can run for a long time depending on the site’s content.
Did the host say how long the processes were running?
-Matt R