• Steve, I installed wordbooker 1.8.16 on our WordPress site. I am able to get the postings to work correctly positing to our fan page. However, I have another user that works with me and his postings do not show up on facebook. Is it because he is not an administrator ? or is it because only one user in WP can access a Facebook account so his does not show up. Is there any way to fix this or do I have to allow this user access as an admin to my Facebook fan page to make it work?

    Thanks for any help.


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  • There’s a user manual? What a concept! Where do I find it? Can you pls provide a link? Thanks!

    Its included in the download and its linked from the Options page

    I have the user guide now and I’m working my way through it. In the meantime…

    At the blog level, the field labeled “Update Facebook Status” is NOT checked, but there is this entry: “: New blog post : %title% – %link% ” in the field that follows.

    At the user level, “Update Facebook Status,” = “same as blog” is selected, nothing in the field that follows.

    Do I need to change one of those settings? None is actually labeled “Status update” so I can’t tell if it is or is not enabled (or if it should or should not be).

    Guess I’ll delve into the user guide now. 19 pages? Yikes.



    OK, I’ve been through the entire user guide, and i don’t find the phrase “status update” anywhere, so I don’t know what setting I’m looking for, nor whether it should be ENabled or DISabled.

    Section 2.2.13

    OK, thanks, I know you mean well, Steve, but… that tells me nothing.

    Here is what appears in my settings:

    Update Facebook Status :[ ] (no check) [: New blog post : %title% – %link%]

    If there is no check in that box, who is this having any influence on my actions.

    A few minutes ago I created a new blog post in WordPress. It appeared in both my profile and the intended fan page… TWICE. Once would have been fine. What is causing that?

    FYI, I earlier edited a post from several weeks ago, and that also posted to both profile and my page – but only ONCE.

    I have

    Republish Post if edited more than [10] days ago [checked] – so I assume THAT is why posts are not re-posting to FB when I make a minor change. That’s a good thing. But why are they appearing TWICE when new?



    Boy, this is turning into a real scavenger hunt. Am I out of line thinking somebody might actually be able to offer a solution to this issue? Or do I have to just keep following clues and guessing?

    I downloaded the .zip file in the previous post. There are numerous folders and files in the .zip file. What file am I looking for? And in that file, what would I look for?

    What do I have to do, buy a vowel?


    You unzip the folder and you upload the content of the folder over the existing files in the wordbooker folder on your server – just like you did when you installed it in the first place.

    Wordbooker is a free product and is something I do in my spare time. I have a full time job and provide support when I can.

    As for getting a trace – the last option on the blog level options turns on advanced diagnostics. Set that and save the blog level settings. Then the next time you do a post come back to the options page and you’ll see a list of diagnostic messages starting with one “Commence Publish”.

    Also I really need the support information from the bottom of the Wordbooker options page.

    As these forums don’t allow long code posts you might be better off starting a thread over on the Discussions tab on the Wordbooker Facebook page.

    >>>You unzip the folder and you upload the content of the folder over the existing files in the wordbooker folder on your server – just like you did when you installed it in the first place.<<<

    I installed your Wordbook plugin directly from the WP dashboard – I didn’t do the download / unpack / install it yourself routine.

    Does this mean I might have an earlier version of the plugin that is causing the duplicate entries?

    Maybe there’s another toggle I’ve got checked somewhere (else?) that is causing the posts to my “Page” to replicate on my “Profile,” and once it shows up on the Profile,, it winds up back in the Page… I dunno. Facebook can be pretty darn confounding at times. Like…. most of the time.

    >>>Wordbooker is a free product and is something I do in my spare time. I have a full time job and provide support when I can.<<<

    I appreciate that and apologize if I’ve been snarky. I’m just thinking this could be as simple as a setting I can check or uncheck and then the issue will go away.

    Happy New Year, don’t worry about this til Monday if you want the weekend off from the Snarky People, I won’t be posting to my WP before then anyway.



    That version – which will eventually turn on as a later release on the WP repositories contains several bug fixes which should hopefully fix the duplicate posts problem which is caused by a wordpress hook firing multiple times when a post is published,

    I’m having issues as well…

    I get this error:
    Wordbooker failed to communicate with Facebookfor The New Pharmer’s Market – S.510 Bill: method = users_setStatus, error_code = 1 ( An unknown error occurred). Your blog is OK, but Facebook didn’t get the update.

    The diagnostic messages says:
    Publish Default is not Set, Giving up

    But both sections for the Publish Default is set…

    I can post to the personal wall, but not the Fan page. I don’t want to post to the personal wall at all, just the Fan page.

    Are you seeing a message in the Status area about it needing extra permissions?

    Quick response! Thanks!

    This is in the Status area:
    Linda Hoffman/Mind Your Own Health ( 100001877314056 )
    (Thu Jan 1, 12:00 am).
    Wordbooker appears to be configured and working just fine.
    If you like, you can start over from the beginning (this does not delete your posting and comment history):

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