• Since I’ve updated to 2.8.1 and now 2.8.2, Wordbook is no longer working. I’m getting the following error upon setup…

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wordbook_rest_client() in /nfs/c05/h02/mnt/73251/domains/garyhumble.com/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordbook/wordbook.php on line 1130


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  • I’m getting a similar error after upgrading to 2.8.2 (I skipped 2.8.1):

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method FacebookRestClient::set_user() in /home/object7/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordbook/facebook-platform/php/facebook.php on line 81

    This is a symptom that you most likely have some other Facebook-related plugin installed, and that it has not updated its Facebook PHP library.

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