Hello, I am also working to resolve this issue.
Here is a link to a screen recording of the issue:
[video src="https://www.dropbox.com/home/BestTech?preview=device-2018-08-17-095150.mp4" /]
Steps to recreate:
Precondition: Screen width less than 960px
1. Go to https://betacurrentdb.besttechnologyinc.com
2. Tap hamburger menu
3. Tap + symbol to open Industrial Parts Washers
4. Tap Spray Cabinet Parts Washers to open sub-menu
5. Tap Front Load Spray Cabinet Parts Washer to open page from sub-menu. Page loads and hamburger menu closes.
6. Tap hamburger menu again.
Expected Result:
Menu would continue use word-wrap on all items.
Actual Result:
Menu items are no longer word-wrapped and the long menu item names cause the width of the menu to stretch beyond the width of the screen. User must swipe right-to-left to see menu and to locate the toggle button to close the menu.
Device info: Motorola Moto G (2nd Gen), Android 6.0, Chrome 68.0.3440.91
Please advise if you have a solution available for this issue.
Thank you!