• I have to ask and please realise two things before I do ask….
    1. This is in no way an insult to WP and family.
    2. Intend not to start a war on this matter, lets keep it stress free.

    Why is someonone/thing somewhere hacking WP ?

    I think it is totally pointless.
    I have a number of WP databases that I look over every now and then after setting them up for various people and find the amount of SPAM is beyond a joke.

    NONE of the spam sent, gets published and we have to spend copious amounts of time removing 20 posts per page and thats if you aren’t checking if any of them are real. Also you can do a mass removal of unapproved comments from the phpmyadmin tables on the sql.

    So, all the spam does is hold us back and waste our time. Pray tell me and the whole of the WP world, why ?

    The answer to this question cannot be “because on some sites the admin aren’t so clued up and the spam gets through” as I would think in most cases, unless the individual WP is a waster and no one is using it, no one is then viewing it and its spam content, therefore any other blog would have the spam removed before it can go to air.

    Week on week, one of the blogs I look after, gets 1000s and I am quite new to playing with WP protection and other peoples theories on how to limit/prevent etc.

    Just a thought anyway… In my case, none of the spam goes to air so all the spam does, is waste my time having to delete it.

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  • Something like 1-5% of all Spam is successful, which equates to a couple million. However what’s more valuable is your card and personal details which gets passed on.

    However most Spamming these days is done by Botnets which are hired out. This probably explains why there so many Browser/OS hijacking scripts, CMS injectors and other forms of Web Malware (not to be confused with client Malware scams). If you’ve got a server you’ve got a nice site that will quite happily try to compromise your visitors and these are likely to be OS agnostic.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I was going to comment about the fact that they’re not hacking WP, but … You’re talking about comment spam, aren’t you?

    Answer’s actually the same.

    1) Because they can
    2) Because so many people use WP, it’s ‘easy’ to aim at

    1) Akismet
    2) Bad Behavior
    3) Cookies for comments.

    Thread Starter i3ant0n


    As I said above, the small percentage is succesfully allowed in but that is always on sites that get no traffic.

    I consider trying to go against the idea of something, somewhat hacking it. I don’t follow dictated meaning, all the time. If a blog is about ‘cheese and wine’ and someone is attempting to display porn on there…..


    A plug in issue solved the problem, then it turned out there is another problem.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Yeah, that’s not hacking. That’s spamming. Trust me, the words mean TOTALLY different things.

    And I get spam on all sites, active and popular, or small and quiet. It happens on all software I’ve used, blog, forum, gallery, you name it.

    Its just a factor of being on line.
    1) You get Spam.
    2) Your stuff gets copied

    Welcome to the net ??

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