Hi Herby007, hmm I haven’t gotten that error before myself. My WP blog is also a ‘normal’ WP blog. Your username is admin with the correct password right? You might want to take a look at the known blogging issues here for Word 2007: https://officebeta.iponet.net/en-us/products/FX101517941033.aspx#24
One thing that did the trick for me was to delete all my accounts, then follow this steo outlined in the known issues page before creating a new account:
1. Click Start and then click Run to open the Registry Editor.
2. Type regedit and click OK.
3. Delete \\HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Blog
When first registering an account I suggest leaving Step 3 as “Don’t upload images in my blog post.” It can really mess things up.
Hope you get it working!
Hi steven_stern, yeah it worked for mine too though I ended up with it posting to 1 Jan 1970, which was damn funny. Haven’t had it returning an error like you have experienced when posting though.