• When installing WooTumblog on a blog using Twenty-Ten, you only have to make a few edits:

    Lines 126 : Replace this line with this code:
    ‘<?php woo_tumblog_the_title(“entry-title”); ?>’

    Lines 134 and 139 : Add this line of code above ‘<?php the_excerpt(); ?>’ and above ‘<?php the_content(); ?>’:
    ‘<?php woo_tumblog_content(); ?>’

    Lines 23: Replace this line with this code:
    ‘<?php woo_tumblog_the_title(“entry-title”); ?>’

    Line 30: Add this line of code above ‘<?php the_content(); ?>’:
    ‘<?php woo_tumblog_content(); ?>’

    Problem is:

    Line 26 is blank, but I can go with adding a line in that blank space.
    Line 134 actually says ‘<?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?>’ not ‘<?php the_excerpt(); ?>’
    Line 139 actually says ‘<?php the_excerpt(); ?>’ not ‘<?php the_content(); ?>:’

    And similar issues in single.php

    What gives? What am I missing? Their documentation is also very old, at least a version or two behind plus their forums require a purchase before you can use them. Hope you guys can help!

    Thanks so much.

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    Okay, so Im telling you ahead of time I have not tested this and I’ve never used a WooThemes implementation before. But I took a peek inside Twenty Ten and knowing how wordpress works, I’ve come up with some educated guesses about where your code needs to go based on what you put above.


    126 = Line 131
    134= Line 139
    139= Line 143

    Instead of single.php (which has been changed substantially int he past few updates), use loop-single.php

    23= Line 26
    30= Line 33

    Again, Im not sure if these are all 100% accurate, but you should be able to find lines that are similar to what they are telling you to look for. If it works, make sure you post an update here to educate the future generations. Last note: since you are editing core files for a theme, make sure you never update this theme (if they release an update to Twenty Ten, it will show up in your Updates page)… if you update, it will erase all your customizations.

    Arthur Klein


    what is do u need to do for 2011?

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