Hi @doublezed2
Could you please clarify how the “woocommerce_no_available_payment_methods_message” uses ReactJS?
From your first reply I understood that the Gutenberg block works with ReactJS and this is the reason why the hook does not work.
I cannot understand why because the message is not created by ReactJS, it cames from any PHP and the hook can be run in the right moment despite of how the front is created.
To clarify, the hook has not been removed since it is working fine with the Checkout Shortcode.
I know. I mean removed from the block or in fact, not yet included.
Front my point of view blocks cannot be worse than shortcode and should do (at least) the same.
We could develop a fix with JS enqueuing a 3 lines JS in the footer but it would work only form our shops. It’s a nonsense.
There are a lot of plugins which add fields or modify the cart and checkout, and many of then do not work with the new blocks. And many users are not aware that the auto-generated pages of cart and checkout now include a block instead of a shortcode. And they wonder why the VAT-ID is not showing in the page (this example told me yesterday a customer which has made a shop)