I believe my WooCommerce stores are having the same issue as @elqualeb, which started a couple days ago.
Ecomdash is unable to sync inventory levels with WooCommerce anymore when syncing a variable product. However, Ecomdash is able to properly sync a simple product’s inventory level with our WooCommerce stores.
When an Ecomdash SKU is not a child product and attempting to sync with a WooCommerce child SKU, Ecomdash sends this message: “Ecomdash was not able to successfully connect to your WooCommerce Site and saleschannel id: ######. We recommend double-checking that our IP Address have been Whitelisted.”
If both Ecomdash and WooCommerce SKUs are child SKUs, Ecomdash sends this message: “Updated Quantity to ## for WooCommerce Storefront: [My Store]”
However, in both cases, the inventory levels in WooCommerce don’t update. After chatting with Ecomdash, they directed me to ask WooCommerce for support.
Ecomdash has this page explaining what IP Addresses need to be whitelisted on a sales channel (WooCommerce): https://support.ecomdash.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002220931-Ecomdash-IP-Addresses. If this is a solution, how does one whitelist these IP Addresses in WooCommerce? Ecomdash was unable to provide support for how to do this.