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  • Having a fight with translations too. What is the official location of the .mo and .po files nowadays? I seem to have at least 3 locations in my webtree where nl_NL files are. Very confusing. Also the translation tool Codestyling Localisation by Heiko Rabe cannot cope with the tranlation files located outside the plugin tree. PSE advice. I want to tranlate some strings to something else.
    TNX Egbert Jan, NL

    I too worry of translation in my language french.
    I downloaded pack but I do not even know where to put it… in i18n /languages ???
    I updated the pack but I do not even know where to put it should unpack the zip file ???

    I did the update locally fortunately I first installed and launched the internal translation plugin, nothing always in English !
    I uninstalled and reinstalled via FTP with the language pack anything to the last version… nothing …
    thank you for your help.
    I never had a problem with this plug-in before
    best regards

    They changed the path of the translation files!!!
    It’s no longer:
    wp-content->plugins->woocommerce->i 18n->languages

    Now we must put the files to:

    Changing back to my language destroys the link structure but when you reenter link settings, it goes back to normal.

    Having the same issue here. It seems that the product categories in French is not translated by “categorie-produit” (only shows as categorie). Therefore, site navigation is not working on product’s menu.
    Not sure if that’s the exact and only issue but I re-installed my backup to previous version as I don’t have time to mess around with this.
    I hope this will be resolved soon.

    After turning on your translation once again, go to WP settings where you set links structure. There is a section with product links. Make it as it was before (with categories), save and links will be fixed.

    Of course when major things are fixed, I’m finding new, smaller issues… but that’s not the right topic to discuss it.

    Permalink is set to the same as before and still have the same issue.
    The menu is not working at all.
    Now, where is the right topic to discuss this?
    Right now, I cannot update WooCommerce at all. I’ve done all of the other updates (theme, WPML, …) and all is working.
    As soon as I update WooCommerce, all hell breaks lose!
    When I look at my menu in French, it shows categories instead of categories products, where I believe is one part of the problem.

    Try to copy all files of new woocommerce 2.2.2. via FTP (override all files). Maybe automatic update is somehow incomplete? It sounds like it.

    Then go to WP backend and you will be asked to update database structure. As soon as you do it, it all will be fine again.

    Because this database change, old and new versions are incompatible and replacing new files over old one without database update will brake the store (till you make those database changes). If you already updated database, you cannot go back to old version by placing old files because then the store will be broken.

    I have updated to woocommerce 2.2. All works fine but, in My Account, i have option to edit Address and Billing, but now both are the same.

    I have detected in url a change, i should have: … /shipping/

    but then to spanish translation i have and /facturacion/

    So now both links goes to same form: shipphing form. And this way cannot edit billing address.

    How can i change those url links?


    there is no Force language update option in my woo tools,

    and no notification about to change language,

    is that integrate with SOAP? because it is not enable in my server,


    Odagen, click on edit My account site and check if the site has the proper woocommerce code:


    If so and it still doesn’t work correctly, just copy and override all woocommerce 2.2.2 files via FTP. Maybe auto-installation went wrong.

    Some of you guys might laugh at this but maybe it will help some noob like me in the future:

    I was like crazy trying to translate to spanish the categories “Shop” “Cart” “Checkout” and “My Account” in the top of my woocommerce store.

    I tried for about 4 hours following the “Force Language Update” protocol. I even went through and over the initial “The Force Language Update button is not showing” (It was because, in the first place, I did not change the wordpress language in settings>Site Language) and nothing seemed to change these titles. My .po were in the wp-content/languages/plugins folders and I even made an additional copy to a wp-content/languages/woocommerce folder because someone mentioned it in some page. And the titles remained in English, not spanish like I needed. Do you remember those rage quits when you crashed the gamepad to the floor? My mouse was about to suffer that trial.

    I don’t know if this was the correct way to do it, but I just went to the pages menu and translated the titles of the pages. Now everything is tidy in spanish.

    I had the same problem as Caranarq, tried doing same stuff. Turned out that translation of my theme overwrote the translation of woocommerce. So i’ve just made translation of .po files of my theme and now everything is just fine.

    I’m using X theme for Word Press.


    i find that after wp 4.0 we must change the lang string in config.php

    replace to:

    or your language,
    then everything working properly,


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