• Hello,

    I have just changed all of my prices over to “No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax”, and I am going nuts trying to get the prices with tax to show in the cart and checkout.

    I have followed this https://docs.woothemes.com/document/setting-up-taxes-in-woocommerce/

    I have definitely got my settings right.

    Enable Taxes: Enable taxes and tax calculations (ticked)
    Prices Entered With Tax: No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax
    Calculate Tax Based On: Shop base address
    Shipping Tax Class: Standard
    Display Prices in the Shop: Including tax
    Display Prices During Cart and Checkout: Including tax
    Display Tax Totals: As a single total

    “Standard” Tax Rates: Nothing except the percentage filled out and the shipping box ticked

    I have deleted and reinstalled wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations

    I have set my theme to twenty fifteen

    I have disabled all plugins except those need for basic function.

    The tax shows on the products in the store, but not the cart or checkout.

    I have tried changing the calculate shipping by geolocate etc

    I have tried adding more details into the “Standard” tax field.

    I have tried with and without “Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line”

    I always get: (includes $0.00 Tax)

    What else can I try?!

    Thank you

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  • did you ever find a solution. i am having the same issue. did the same as you did above

    Thread Starter grafixNZ


    Hi there.
    I am sorry, it was really long ago, so I am not sure what I did now, but I did get it working. The settings I have are:
    Calculate: Shop base address
    Class: Standard
    Rounding: ticked
    Display in shop: Including tax
    Display in cart: Including tax
    Display totals: Single total

    Then in rates, I have a * in Country code, state code, postcode and city. The rate is 15%, “Tax” as the name, priority 1, not compound, shipping ticked.

    I checked my functions.php and there is nothing tax related in there. I think it may have been the * in the tax fields that fixed it. I don’t know if that helps, but I don’t remember anything else, sorry.

    Thanks Appreciate it!

    Guys, I’ve been working for hours trying to figure out this bug and I FINALLY figured out the problem!!! In the tax options tab, select the following:

    Prices entered with tax: No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax
    Calculate tax based on: Shop based address
    Shipping Tax Class Standard: Standard
    Rounding: checked
    Display prices in shop: Excluding Taxes (makes sense)
    Display prices during Cart and Checkout: EXCLUDING TAXES!!!! [this was the culprit, it would make sense to display including, but it’s referring to the prices before total and tax, and you don’t want the tax included in those numbers.]

    I also just filled in the country and state fields in the standard tax rate tab, and left the city and zip as asterisk, but I don’t think this was the problem.

    Naughty WooCommerce does NOT tell us this, I suppose they want us to buy the premium so we can get the support, so they leave out essential details from their tuts. Very Clever!!!!

    Hope this helps some people, because no other threads that I read found the solution.

    Thread Starter grafixNZ


    That’s great news easchilling! I had totally forgotten about this thread when I solved it, so it is great to see an answer posted here.

    I have now reviewed the settings in my website, and I have the same as you except:

    Display prices in shop: Including tax
    Display Prices During Cart and Checkout: Including tax

    I have the settings as shown in my first post, basically.

    So it may be that in your case there was a conflict between displaying the price in the shop excluding tax, then displaying including tax at cart/checkout.

    I wish I could remember the fix, but as I am sure you will agree, this job is daily problem solving and too many things have come and gone since then unfortunately. I feel like my problem was a glitch in the rates section though.

    New reader: Please keep adding to this thread if you find other solutions!

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