• Hi,

    I’d appreciate a few pointers on what is over riding the Posts in Page “posts_loop_template.php” file on my wordpress site. I’ve using Storefront 2.0.7 and woocommerce, which have royally rodgered the blog side of the site, and I’m trying to get a bit of control back over the blog post styling which is why I installed P.I.P but it’s being messed up by the Storefront template.

    Can anyone describe what template file would be conflicting with it please?

    Many thanks…

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  • Thread Starter saltlick


    for some extra background info, comparing the output of a standard page (the index page in this case) and a blog post from the Posts in Page, page, it seems that the Storefront theme/template is treating them both the same way:

    Index page, start of the main content:

    <article id="post-66" class="post-66 page type-page status-publish hentry">
    			<header class="entry-header">.....

    Blog page, one of the blog posts:

    <article id="post-1482" class="post-1482 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-m*******">
    	<header class="entry-header">
    		<span class="posted-on">Posted on <a hre...

    How can I get the poxy storefront template to leave the blog posts alone so that I can style them independantly of the rest of the site?

    Plugin Author ivycat


    Howdy @saltlick,

    Great question!

    This could be happening for a variety of reasons, but my guess is that your Storefront theme has a template that is specific to the view you’re looking at on the blog. If so, it’ll use that template by default.

    Where Posts in Page really shines is when you want to embed blog content in a page or sidebar. In these cases, PiP will use the posts_loop_template.php file (I’d suggest you move a copy of it to your theme directory and customize as necessary.)

    If you wanted to provide a link to the site or affected pages, please do and we’ll be happy to take a quick look.

    I hope that helps!

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