O.K. So dear “Automattic Happiness Engineer”, I am sure you can give me advice on this: I am at over 40.000 “scheduled actions” right now and still going up.
What you are trying to tell me is that I can’t upgrade to Woocommerce 4.x?
These scheduled actions would slow down my shop for weeks, and probably are going to cause various problems for the live shop (for example because new scheduled actions are not processed) as well as for my relationship to my webhoster, who will likely suspect I had been hacked because of the sudden and constant high loads.
So what I am getting right now, is that an “Automattic Happiness Engineer” is recommending me, that I shouldn’t be using Woocommerce because it’s not suited for people who actually use their webshop to sell stuff (shocking, I know!) and therefore have an order history, but more for people who like fancy colors and graphs.
The general vibe I am getting from WordPress lately is they don’t care about existing users and are just interesting in attracting new and lets call them “innocent” users, who don’t know better. Am I right or am I right?
On topic: HOW DO I FIX THIS MESS? Asap!