Hi @pipoulito
A customer has bought 2 of this product, on the order note it is displayed that the stock moved from 2 -> 0. BUt on the product page the stock is at 1.
Is it a simple product or a variable product?
For variable products, if you enable stock management at the variation level, then the product stock is ignored. Sales will lead to a reduction in the variation stock but not on the parent stock. For reference, here’s our documentation on inventory management in variable products: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/variable-product/#inventory-management .
However, you mentioned that stock did get reduced partially.
I would recommend checking whether you have a caching plugin and then purging all cache from it. Next, you’ll want to configure the plugin not to cache the cart, checkout, and My Account pages. Here’s a helpful guide – https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/configuring-caching-plugins/
If you do not have a caching plugin, check if your host is doing any sort of caching, and ask them to disable it.
From there, you’ll want to clear your browser’s cache memory, and check if the issue persists. Here’s a guide: https://wordpress.com/support/browser-issues/#clearing-your-browser-cache