• I am running this plugin on a site with WooCommerce. I had selected the social sharing toolkit to display on product pages, and it worked great. However, I just moved descriptions from the main product description area to the short description area (so that it would show to the side of the product image instead of beneath), and the social sharing buttons no longer show up at all, no matter what settings I try.


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  • Hi all,

    I have just found the same problem as Reblechka above. I will now be removing this plugin on ALL our sites and will never be using it again. What a shame as it was a good plugin until a few days ago.

    Oh well, you can’t have everything.

    Kind regards

    use do_shortcode('[social_share]') for display social share anywhere on site.
    In woocoomrce Product page use this code in content-single-product.php file.

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