I did adjust some settings, not sure how it works. Please confirm the following questions:
1. “Cache > CACHE BEHAVIOR SETTINGS > Strip response cookies on pages that should be cached” : What should this be ? “No” works fine for now but as far as i remember, it is “Yes” and used to work before.
2. How different is “Prevent the following URIs to be cached” under “CACHE BEHAVIOR SETTINGS” and “FALLBACK PAGE CACHING” ?
3. Do i need to put /checkout* and /cart* in “Prevent the following URIs to be cached” ? I found sometimes I cannot add product to cart, so i try put this to prevent it from being cached and it works. But when it tried remove it, cart still works fine !??
4. WP rocket also has its plugin to disable page caching called “WP Rocket | Disable Page Caching”. Do i need this plugin along with the option “Disable WP Rocket page cache” in your setting ?