• PayPay Standard will assume that you have an account if either you have a PayPal cookie or an email is sent to the PayPal. WooCommerce sends your email to PayPal form. To prevent this you can use the woocommerce_paypal_args filter to remove the email.

    function smw_woo_paypal_args($args) {
    $args[’email’] = ”;
    return $args;
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_paypal_args’, ‘smw_woo_paypal_args’, 99);

    You also need to ensure that the PayPal option “PayPal Account Optionsl” is on.

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  • Hi Peter,

    I have had this problem for the past month. My Paypal account had suddenly changed and Customers were not given the option to pay via Card without logging on. I have Paypal standard.

    My Paypal settings are OK. The problem seems to be in the Woocommerce side.

    I see you code may help me, but as my technical knowledge is limited, could you advise me where exactly I need to add this code. I understand that it is in the WP Gateways php, but once in, which line do I submit the code?

    Many Thanks,

    Thread Starter Peter Wooster


    The code goes in your theme’s functions.php file. Just put it at the end of the file. If that file ends with ?> the code must go ahead of that line.

    Be sure to back up your functions.php file before making this change.

    Hi Peter.

    Thank you so much for your fast reply.
    I added the code and ran some tests.

    Here was the outcome. When filling out the address form, on marking UK the Paypal page opens in english and the option to pay with card (without register to paypal) is displayed – that works!!

    On selecting any other country, the Paypal option then only gives option of creating an account.

    Do you know where the problem is from? Could it be Paypal?
    I really appreciate any advise, as its so hard to locate where problems come from.

    Many Thanks,

    Thread Starter Peter Wooster


    The problems are with PayPal. they really want to force users to get a PayPal account so they can encourage the use of PayPal. I don’t know any other fixes, that one works in Canada and the United States and from your test it appears to work in the UK.

    Thanks for explaining it to me. Actually by removing the the code again and trying to pay from a UK address, its all correct, so the problem looks like its for rest of countries in Paypal.

    Is there a possiblity of creating code that does this filter for other counties that try to pay?

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