Both call angelleyeLoadPayPalScript() with the SDK url (slightly different URLs, but same content), and SDK is loaded asyncronously. Depending on the load order, they might work or not.
With disabled WP Meteor, if you add something to a cart and open developer console in chrome, disable network cache, and keep refreshing, you might find that one time out of probably 10, depending on luck, you will get buttons missing and the following error in developer console:
paypal_js_sdk_v5_unhandled_exception {err: ‘Error: zoid destroyed all components\n at https:…mo,paylater&intent=capture&locale=en_GB:3:308271)’, timestamp: ‘1725144599034’, uid: ‘uid_e0527d6d18_mji6ndy6mti’, env: ‘production’, clientId: ‘AUESd5dCP7FmcZnzB7v32UIo-gGgnJupvdfLle9TBJwOC4neACQhDVONBv3hc1W-pXlXS6G-KA5y4Kzv’, …}
To reiterate – this happens without WP Meteor, on your live site right now, not frequently, but I was able to get this error and missing buttons multiple times. You might notice that initExpressCheckout is the first message in this scenario, while in “lucky” scenarios initExpressCheckout is the last message in the console.
Bad news is that some of your clients have to refresh page to get checkout buttons displayed, not related to WP Meteor in any way.
I’ve released 3.4.7, which preserves loading order of async scripts, it will work in your case better, but not reliably, maybe 50% chance.
Please let me know if you were able to reproduce the issue with paypal without WP Meteor. You can also disable WP Meteor on the checkout page by using wpmeteor_enabled filter.
This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Aleksandr Guidrevitch. Reason: Image added
Hi, Yes, I was eventually able to make the buttons not load, by lots of refreshes of the page. I will contact the author PayPal payments plugin and let him know. In the meantime I have updated to 3.4.7. Thank you very much for your great support. Chris