woocommerce parallax
I just installed parallax extension from WooThemes on localhost. I want to have few different images across one page, so I used these shortcodes as below
[parallax_hero heading_text="Great Wrap" heading_text_color="#ffffff" description_text="This is great silage wrap I know it is!" background_img="" alignment="center" background_size="cover" overlay_color="#000000" description_text_color="#ffffff" overlay_opacity="0.5" layout="full" full_height="1" style="margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: -15em;" button_text="See This" parallax="0"]
Everything looks ok, but background image is not loading. I copied the image path from library. I’ve double checked no type-o or mistake so many times, but can’t find. Can someone please advise?
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