Woocommerce order reports not showing orders after new push to production site
Hi there, I recently pushed a full site update using WP Staging. I took great care to make sure orders on the staging site did not override orders and history on the production site, yet now after the push, my orders are clearly visible on the orders page and they have been preserved, but nothing shows up in reports or analytics.
I have deactivated all third party addons for woocommerce. I have deactivated Yoast SEO. I have tried importing historical order data, in analytics settings, but it gets stuck at ‘zero. ‘finalising’.
For currency clarity, our shop only sells to South Africa, and we only trade in South African Rand (ZAR). Please help! Thanks in advance.
Here is the system report –
` WordPress Environment WordPress address (URL): https://pureskinserums.co.za<br>Site address (URL): https://pureskinserums.co.za<br>WC Version: 8.3.1<br>REST API Version: ? 8.3.1<br>WC Blocks Version: ? 11.4.9<br>Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.6.4<br>Log Directory Writable: ?<br>WP Version: 6.4.2<br>WP Multisite: –<br>WP Memory Limit: 256 MB<br>WP Debug Mode: –<br>WP Cron: ?<br>Language: en_US<br>External object cache: – Server Environment Server Info: Apache<br>PHP Version: 8.2.13<br>PHP Post Max Size: 64 MB<br>PHP Time Limit: 90<br>PHP Max Input Vars: 2500<br>cURL Version: 7.64.0<br>OpenSSL/1.1.1n SUHOSIN Installed: –<br>MySQL Version: 10.5.23-MariaDB-1:10.5.23+maria~deb10<br>Max Upload Size: 64 MB<br>Default Timezone is UTC: ?<br>fsockopen/cURL: ?<br>SoapClient: ?<br>DOMDocument: ?<br>GZip: ?<br>Multibyte String: ?<br>Remote Post: ?<br>Remote Get: ? Database WC Database Version: 8.3.1<br>WC Database Prefix: wp_<br>Total Database Size: 202.79MB<br>Database Data Size: 179.83MB<br>Database Index Size: 22.96MB<br>wp_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 0.19MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_api_keys: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_order_items: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_tax_rates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_acfw_store_credits: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_acfw_virtual_coupons: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_actionscheduler_actions: Data: 0.34MB + Index: 0.44MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_actionscheduler_claims: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_actionscheduler_groups: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_actionscheduler_logs: Data: 0.28MB + Index: 0.19MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_cff_facebook_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_cff_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_cff_feed_caches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_cff_sources: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_commentmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_comments: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ctf_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ctf_feeds_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ctf_feed_caches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ctf_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ctf_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_duplicator_packages: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ee_products_sync_list: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ee_product_sync_call: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_ee_product_sync_data: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_e_events: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_e_submissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.27MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_e_submissions_actions_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_e_submissions_values: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_fusion_forms: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_fusion_form_entries: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_fusion_form_fields: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_fusion_form_submissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_links: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_mailchimp_carts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_mailchimp_jobs: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_options: Data: 6.50MB + Index: 0.41MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pimwick_gift_card: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pimwick_gift_card_activity: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxe_exports: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxe_google_cats: Data: 0.38MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxe_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxe_templates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_files: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_hash: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_history: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_images: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_imports: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_pmxi_templates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_postmeta: Data: 19.52MB + Index: 2.20MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_posts: Data: 45.52MB + Index: 0.25MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_redirection_404: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_redirection_groups: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_redirection_items: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_redirection_logs: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbi_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbi_feed_caches: Data: 0.36MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbi_instagram_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbi_instagram_posts: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbi_sources: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbr_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbr_feed_caches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbr_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbr_reviews_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sbr_sources: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sby_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sby_feed_caches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_sby_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_smush_dir_images: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_termmeta: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_terms: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_term_relationships: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_term_taxonomy: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_usermeta: Data: 1.50MB + Index: 0.66MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_users: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wcpdf_invoice_number: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wcpdf_packing_slip_number: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_admin_notes: Data: 0.08MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_admin_note_actions: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_category_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_customer_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_download_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_orders: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_orders_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_order_addresses: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_order_coupon_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_order_operational_data: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_order_product_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_order_stats: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_order_tax_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_product_attributes_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_product_download_directories: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_product_meta_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wc_rate_limits: Data: 0.02MB + 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InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfissues: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfknownfilelist: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wflivetraffichuman: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wflocs: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wflogins: Data: 0.23MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfls_2fa_secrets: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfls_role_counts: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MEMORY<br>wpstg0_wfls_settings: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfnotifications: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfpendingissues: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfreversecache: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfsecurityevents: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfsnipcache: Data: 0.08MB + Index: 0.08MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfstatus: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wftrafficrates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wfwaffailures: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_api_keys: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_order_items: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_payment_tokens: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 0.31MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_tax_rates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_entries: Data: 0.47MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_entry_fields: Data: 0.25MB + Index: 0.19MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_entry_meta: Data: 0.08MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_payments: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.14MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_payment_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_tasks_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpforms_user_journey: Data: 0.16MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wpstg_queue: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wt_iew_action_history: Data: 0.09MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_wt_iew_mapping_template: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_yoast_indexable: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_yoast_migrations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_yoast_primary_term: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wpstg0_yoast_seo_links: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_acfw_store_credits: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_acfw_virtual_coupons: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_actionscheduler_actions: Data: 0.38MB + Index: 0.53MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_actionscheduler_claims: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_actionscheduler_groups: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_actionscheduler_logs: Data: 0.28MB + Index: 0.23MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_commentmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_comments: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_ctf_feeds_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_ctf_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_ee_products_sync_list: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_ee_product_sync_call: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_ee_product_sync_data: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_e_events: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_e_submissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.27MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_e_submissions_actions_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_e_submissions_values: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_fusion_forms: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_fusion_form_entries: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_fusion_form_fields: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_fusion_form_submissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_links: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_mailchimp_carts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_mailchimp_jobs: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_options: Data: 8.44MB + Index: 0.16MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pimwick_gift_card: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pimwick_gift_card_activity: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxe_exports: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxe_google_cats: Data: 0.39MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxe_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxe_templates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_files: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_hash: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_history: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_images: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_imports: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_pmxi_templates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_postmeta: Data: 18.44MB + Index: 0.55MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_posts: Data: 27.27MB + Index: 0.20MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbi_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbi_feed_caches: Data: 0.14MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbi_instagram_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbi_instagram_posts: Data: 0.13MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbi_sources: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbr_feeds: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbr_feed_caches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbr_feed_locator: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbr_reviews_posts: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_sbr_sources: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_smush_dir_images: 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Active Plugins (28) Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free: by Rymera Web Co –<br>Custom Product Tabs Pro: by Code Parrots – 1.2.6<br>Elementor Pro: by Elementor.com – 3.18.0<br>Elementor: by Elementor.com – 3.18.2<br>Facebook for WooCommerce: by Facebook – 3.1.5<br>Site Kit by Google: by Google – 1.115.0<br>Elementor Header & Footer Builder: by Brainstorm Force<br>Nikhil Chavan – 1.6.21 WPCode Lite: by WPCode – 2.1.6<br>Smash Balloon Instagram Feed: by Smash Balloon – 6.2.6<br>Mailchimp for WooCommerce: by Mailchimp – 3.4<br>PW WooCommerce Gift Cards: by Pimwick<br>LLC – 1.250 Really Simple SSL: by Really Simple Plugins – 7.2.0<br>Reviews Feed: by Smash Balloon – 1.1<br>WooCommerce: by Automattic – 8.3.1<br>UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: by UpdraftPlus.Com<br>DavidAnderson – 1.23.13 Variation Swatches for WooCommerce: by CartFlows – 1.0.7<br>WooCommerce Payfast Gateway: by WooCommerce – 1.6.0<br>The Courier Guy Shipping for WooCommerce: by The Courier Guy – 5.1.0<br>Wordfence Security: by Wordfence – 7.11.0<br>WordPress Importer: by wordpressdotorg – 0.8.1<br>WP Fastest Cache: by Emre Vona – 1.2.2<br>WP STAGING PRO - Backup Duplicator & Migration: by WP-STAGING – 5.1.3<br>WP STAGING - Backup Duplicator & Migration: by WP-STAGING<br>WPStagingBackup – 3.1.3 WPForms Geolocation: by WPForms – 2.7.0<br>WPForms Mailchimp: by WPForms – 2.3.0<br>WPForms User Journey: by WPForms – 1.2.0<br>WPForms: by WPForms –<br>Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce: by Code Parrots – 1.8.5 Inactive Plugins (6) Order Export & Order Import for WooCommerce: by WebToffee – 2.4.3<br>PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce: by WP Overnight – 3.7.4<br>The Plus Addons for Elementor: by POSIMYTH – 5.3.0<br>Woocommerce Customers Order History Professional: by javmah – 5.2.2<br>WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration: by WooCommerce – 1.8.10<br>Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 21.6 Must Use Plugins (1) WP STAGING Optimizer: by WP STAGING – 1.5.4 Settings API Enabled: –<br>Force SSL: –<br>Currency: ZAR (R)<br>Currency Position: left<br>Thousand Separator: ,<br>Decimal Separator: .<br>Number of Decimals: 2<br>Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)<br>grouped (grouped)<br>pw gift card (pw-gift-card)<br>simple (simple)<br>variable (variable) Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)<br>exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)<br>featured (featured)<br>outofstock (outofstock)<br>rated-1 (rated-1)<br>rated-2 (rated-2)<br>rated-3 (rated-3)<br>rated-4 (rated-4)<br>rated-5 (rated-5) Connected to WooCommerce.com: –<br>Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –<br>HPOS feature screen enabled: ?<br>HPOS feature enabled: ?<br>Order datastore: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\OrdersTableDataStore<br>HPOS data sync enabled: ? WC Pages Shop base: #2467 - /shop/<br>Cart: #8 - /cart/<br>Checkout: #9 - /checkout/<br>My account: #10 - /my-account/<br>Terms and conditions: #3762 - /terms-conditions/ Theme Name: Astra Child<br>Version: 1.0.0<br>Author URL: https://wpastra.com/about/<br>Child Theme: ?<br>Parent Theme Name: Astra<br>Parent Theme Version: 4.5.1<br>Parent Theme Author URL: https://wpastra.com/about/?utm_source=theme_preview&utm_medium=author_link&utm_campaign=astra_theme<br>WooCommerce Support: ? Templates Overrides: – Admin Enabled Features: activity-panels<br>analytics<br>product-block-editor<br>coupons<br>core-profiler<br>customer-effort-score-tracks<br>import-products-task<br>experimental-fashion-sample-products<br>shipping-smart-defaults<br>shipping-setting-tour<br>homescreen<br>marketing<br>mobile-app-banner<br>navigation<br>onboarding<br>onboarding-tasks<br>product-variation-management<br>remote-inbox-notifications<br>remote-free-extensions<br>payment-gateway-suggestions<br>shipping-label-banner<br>subscriptions<br>store-alerts<br>transient-notices<br>woo-mobile-welcome<br>wc-pay-promotion<br>wc-pay-welcome-page Disabled Features: customize-store<br>minified-js<br>new-product-management-experience<br>product-virtual-downloadable<br>product-external-affiliate<br>settings<br>async-product-editor-category-field Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2023-12-13 08:53:18 +02:00<br>Options: ?<br>Notes: 117<br>Onboarding: completed Action Scheduler Complete: 1,169<br>Oldest: 2023-11-13 08:11:26 +0000<br>Newest: 2023-12-12 09:19:46 +0000 Failed: 22<br>Oldest: 2023-06-23 09:44:58 +0000<br>Newest: 2023-12-12 09:20:47 +0000 Pending: 9<br>Oldest: 2023-12-12 10:18:51 +0000<br>Newest: 2023-12-19 17:13:09 +0000 Status report information Generated at: 2023-12-12 11:23:17 +02:00<br>`
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