Woocommerce i?in harika
Woocommerce i?in do?ru ayarlama yap?ld???nda harika ?al???yor. 8000 ürün 60GB g?rsel olan web sitesi i?in a??l?? süresi 1 saniye alt?nda ayarlanabiliyor.
ürün fiyatlar?n? güncellemek i?in Woocommerce ba?l???na bir buton haz?rlansa ?ok sevinirdim. Fiyat de?i?ikli?inde güncelle gibi bir buton veya her gün 02.00 da bir cron gibi.English
Correct adaptation for WooCommerce works great. For the website with 8000 products and 60GB images, the opening time can be adjusted under 1 second.
I would be very happy if a button was prepared for the price of Woocommerce to update their products. Like a button like update price or a cron every day at 02.00.
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