• Resolved tom


    Hi, Please help to solve this issue . I need to add extra shipping charge for one product .

    i have a product1 with id =1 I need to add extra shipping charge for product with id=1

    Current Shipping settings :

    Flate rate is enable cost is 20
    Freeshipping is enable with minimum order amount 400

    So to add specific shipping charge i add a new shipping class name special-cost. Then i go to flate rate and add 15*[qty] under “special-cost” Shipping Class Cost .It work good but the problem is

    When i add product1 only it work as expected .

    When i add product1 and other product :

    (1) if total cost less than 400 working good
    (2)if total cost more than 400 it showing two radio button in checkout page for
    (1) Flat: 15 :
    (2)Free Shipping`

    How to solve this , because i need to add extra 15 charge for this product .

    Please help .


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  • Thread Starter tom


    How can i add extra shipping charge for a specific product in woocommerce ?

    This shipping charge must be added to that product without depending any other condition .


    could you please tell how to remove free shipping for a product via code.?

    Thank you .

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Possibly https://www.woothemes.com/products/per-product-shipping/

    Flat rate should work if you set this though https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w4n8lga2kqysbmh/2016-03-02%20at%2012.28.png?dl=0

    However, free shipping will still be available.

    Thread Starter tom


    could you please tell how to remove free shipping for a specific product via code.?

    i see this code ,https://docs.woothemes.com/document/hide-other-shipping-methods-when-free-shipping-is-available/ .. But it didn’t help

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    This is advanced example but will move the special-class item into a new package.


    Free shipping is not enabled for this new package, just flat rate.

    Thread Starter tom


    Really thank you Mike . ??

    but it showing this error

    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, first array member is not a valid class name or object in /../../../../test/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 235

    also could you please explain this also$special_class = 'special-class';

    What i need to put in special class? , name,id or slug ?

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Updated, try again.

    Thread Starter tom


    Thank you ?? .

    $special_class = 'special-class';

    What i need to put in special class? , name,id or slug ?

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages', 'split_special_shipping_class_items' ); i already try this .

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    if you see the updated snippet, it says in the comment.

    Thread Starter tom


    Really thank you Mike .It is working perfectly.

    I have a doubt . Prdoduct1 addeded to the cart and it’s special shipping price 15 added with it .Product one price is 500$ . When i add product one , and product 2(price: 30) it showing two shipping rate

    shipping1 :flat 20[shipping for product 2] (this is no need because price>400)
    shipping2 : Flat: AED15 [shipping charge for product1] correct

    Here what i need only shipping charge for product1 . Because the entire cost is more than 400$ so , no need to add extra shipping charge for other item .

    Thread Starter tom


    I need only one condition . -> if special-shipping-class product in the cart then only it’s shipping charge is calculated irrespective of other items in the cart .

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    This snippet won’t help then – this is to force a fee of 15, even if free shipping is allowed for your other items. This snippet doesn’t change free shipping at all.

    Thread Starter tom


    is there any way to change this ? With the help of any condition like if special-shipping is present in the cart then only take special shipping cost and don't consider other shipping cost.

    if ( isset( $rates['special_shipping'] ) ) {
      		$special_shipping         = $rates['special_shipping'];
      		$rates                  = array();
      		$rates['special_shipping'] = $special_shipping ;
    	return $rates;

    Please help to complete this code .

    But anyway very much thanks for your support .

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    I guess I’m just not clear on your needs. The snippet I gave does this:

    Special Item – must use flat rate
    Non Special Item – flat rate or free shipping

    Each is costed separately.

    If you just want flat rate 15 extra, use the classes and flat rate only (no snippet).

    Cost = 20 (?)
    Special class cost = 15 * [qty]

    Free shipping is still available based on minimum spending options.

    Thread Starter tom


    if some one order product1[special-shipping-class] and other products ,only the product1 shipping charge is taken , other shipping charge no need to take .

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)



    Special = 15
    Normal = 20
    Special + Normal = 15 (not times quantity)


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