Hey @stestory
Thanks for providing the screenshot below from your sites Processing Email settings page.

Image Link: https://cloudup.com/cZLjXGxlxXE
Looking at one of my test sites which is using the latest version of WooCommerce I see the option to copy the template files to my theme.

Image Link: https://cloudup.com/cqi3umFhBzt
After copying the template file to my theme I then see this message instead.

Image Link: https://cloudup.com/c9xAXtsMf42
My intial thoughts are it could be one of two reasons you’re not seeing the email copy features on your site.
1. There is a permissions issue on the server folders of your WooCommerce plugin or your WordPress theme which is preventing the files from being automatically copied. Therfore the copy options are not displaying for you.
2. A plugin or a theme you’re using on your site is for some peculiar reason not allowing the files to be copied. Therfore hiding those features.
To see if that is the case for 2 we’d suggest carrying out a conflict test on your site by disabling all other plugins aside from WooCommerce along with switching to a theme like Storefront. This will help with trying to and locate what software you have installed which could possibly be causing this behaviour? You could use a free plugin called Health Check and Troubleshooting to carry out such testing.
When in Troubleshooting mode all plugins will be deactivated and only the admin of the site carrying out the troubleshooting would see those changes. Any customers visiting the site would see no changes at all.
Once you have disabled all other plugins and switched theme if the behaviour is resolved you can then enabled your theme and sites plugins testing after each one is enabled until the behaviour returns to locate the culprit.
If neither of those possibilites ar the cae you can manually copy the template file from the WooCommerce pluings /templates/ folder over to your theme by accessing your site via FTP or your web hosting packages file manager as that apporach shuold still work for you.
I hope this helps.