• Resolved cybercitycats


    Is there a way to keep smush pro from smushing my images in folder:

    /uploads/woocommerce_uploads ?

    I can’t have my digital download images being smushed and resized.

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  • Plugin Support Predrag – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @cybercitycats,

    Can you tell me when exactly is this folder used and when are the images getting uploaded there?

    I tried doing a quick test on my end by uploading images to a product directly but my images were added to default WP folders.
    By default, if you’re using Bulk Smush, non-default folders like this one should be excluded from the process and would need to be optimized by using Directory Smush option.
    However, to be sure that this is working like that I would like to give it a test if you can give me some more info on how your images are uploaded there?


    Hello there @cybercitycats

    I hope you are doing well!

    We haven’t heard back from you for a while now so we’ve marked this ticket as resolved. If you do have any followup questions or require further assistance feel free to reopen it and let us know here.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter cybercitycats


    This is for “digital downloads”, not for the product images. I am using x-sendfile, and the images for woo downloads are stored in the above folder. Client has high-quality jpgs, but smush pro is smushing it like crazy. I don’t see where I can turn off to not smush digital downloads.

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @cybercitycats

    Smush should only compress images that aren’t in standard Media Library folders if the “Directory Smush” option is used. The “bulk smush” option only works with Media Library.

    The file location that you specified doesn’t seem at first like part of Media Library but I suppose that in this case it might just be a non-standard location while the plugin/code that you are using to handle these images is most likely still “hooking up” to media library – in which case bulk-smush would pick them up.

    The “bulk smush” identifies files to be optimized based on information in DB rather than “scanning files’ on server so that’s most likely related.

    You mentioned that you’re using x-sendfile but that’s server-side module so what about the plugin? You referred to WooCommerce but there’s a couple of plugins there’s a few plugin related to handling Woo uploads/downloads and actually naming folders the same way. Or are you using WooCommerce solely?

    I’m asking as my colleague earlier couldn’t replicate the issue so I just want to be sure that we’re testing it correctly.

    Kind regards,

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