Hallo, We have 3 coupon codes with the following conditions: #1. Discount for new customers, #2. Free shipping discount, #3. Voucher discount with a minimum purchase requirement. How can we activate only coupon #2 and allow coupon #3 to be used by customers simultaneously, while coupon #1 cannot be used?
We have 3 coupon codes with the following conditions: #1. Discount for new customers, #2. Free shipping discount, #3. Voucher discount with a minimum purchase requirement. How can we activate only coupon #2 and allow coupon #3 to be used by customers simultaneously, while coupon #1 cannot be used?
From what I understand, you’re seeking advice on how to handle your WooCommerce coupon codes. You specifically want to enable customers to use both coupon #2 (offering free shipping) and coupon #3 (a discount voucher with a minimum purchase requirement) simultaneously but restrict the use of coupon #1 (a discount for new customers).
Here’s how you can accomplish this:
First, navigate to Marketing > Coupons.
Then, choose the coupon you wish to modify, which in this case is coupon #1.
In the ‘Usage Restriction‘ tab, you’ll see an option titled ‘Individual use only‘. Make sure to tick this box. Doing so will prevent this coupon from being used in conjunction with other coupons.
For coupons #2 and #3, make sure the ‘Individual use only’ box is not ticked. This will allow customers to use these coupons at the same time. For additional information on managing coupons, you can refer to this resource: ?? Coupon Management.
I hope this information is helpful! If you have any other questions or need more help, feel free to ask.
To limit the use of a coupon to a specific shipping address, you would need to use a plugin such as WooCommerce Smart Coupons, as this functionality is not built into WooCommerce by default.
Please note that while this will restrict the use of the coupon to a specific address, it may not prevent a customer from using a different email address to apply the coupon. To prevent this, you may need to implement additional measures, such as limiting the use of the coupon to registered users or restricting the use of the coupon to one per customer.
I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
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