• ctlasers


    OK, I am going to start the same way many other people start.

    I am by no means a “pro coder.” I think i made a pretty decent site with some pretty basic knowledge and learn as i go along.

    Woo Commerce seems to be a great plugin, many people use it. HOWEVER- I find it absolutely ridiculous (again, just my *opinion*) why you need to be tutored by Stephen Hawking himself….in order to change a font color.

    This is a little silly. I have spent the last 3 days…yes, literally 3 days, to try and figure out how to change a freaking font color for the price in Woo Commerce. I have seen thread, upon thread, upon thread upon thread upon thread in about 6 billion different forums of “css hacks” to change a font color. NONE have worked for me. NOT ONE!!

    I have tried a total of 7 different plugins from suggestions posted on Woo’s site. NOPE- didnt work. I have tried css line additions. NOPE- none worked.

    I find it VERY frustrating and a little silly why a simple little 36 second line of code cant be written by the developers of this WooCommerce to simply change a font color. Come on guys…for the amount of time you have spent trying to reply to the HUNDREDS (if not thousands) of inquiries regarding this SAME frustration, all of the replied posts about how to add custom .CSS to this or that. Or the, “Please download these 17 additional plugins” to change a font from white to black…you probably could have added a simple font color changey thingy.

    I would simply like to have the ridiculously simple (i would imagine) capability to change font properties (sizes, colors..etc) without having to make child pages and code lines and download plugins (none of which worked).

    I researched this long enough. ALL to no avail. My apologies if i sound a little sarcastic, but for something as simple as changing a font color, it REALLY should not be this dificult.

    My website: https://ctlasers.com/product/pangolin-beyond/

    Theme- DIVI

    Everything is updated and current.

    The price that you see there i had to put in the “description” in order for it to show up. The hard coded price is white. White on white does not look too great.

    I am BEGGING…please help me out.

    3 days is long enough wasted on such a simplistic task. ESPECIALLY when i tried MANY of the suggestions and especially since i am obviously not the only one who wants to change VERY SIMPLISTIC settings that a 2 year old should be able to change.



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  • fran4444


    What you are asking isn’t exactly simple. The snippet of code that controls the price color is embedded in whatever theme you have chosen and therefore will likely be different for every site. WooCommerce controls the basic default settings, but the theme usually take over to make the eCommerce pages sync in style with the rest of your site.

    I’m still learning myself so can’t really guide you. I figured out how to change the price color in my pages, but needed the help of the theme author to do so. You too might have to reach out to whomever designed your theme, or find a code-expert willing to examine your site to figure out the requisite code snippet needed.




    Looking at your linked page, and somewhere in your CSS snippets is this line:

    . . . div.product p.price. . . .
        color: #FFF !important;

    Remove the “!important” and the price should be visible.

    Or change it to:
    color: #000 !important;

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