• Resolved tufailafridi7


    hey there, My complete is translated to French but some words on cart page can’t be translated like Image, PRICE, QUANTITY etc. Please let me how do i fix this. or atleast show me a file where can I edit these words into french. Thanks!!!

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  • Editing plugin files is not the way to go. Edits will be overrided by updates.

    Which French are you using? I tried French, French(Canada) and French(Belgium), and all translate these words correctly on the cart page.

    Is your cart page coming from your theme instead of using the default WooCommerce cart page? Have a look at:
    Dashboard > WooCommerce > Status > Templates (towards the bottom of a long page)
    Is cart.php overriden by your theme?

    Please post a link to your site.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as resolved. If you have any other questions please start a new thread.


    Thread Starter tufailafridi7


    @lorro Here’s the link – https://www.artistic-printing.be I’ve also checked Woo-Status. You can see the below status. pangja/woocommerce/cart/cart.php,
    pangja/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php, panja is my theme.
    Please let me know. Thanks!!

    OK, so your cart page is coming from pangja, not from WooCommerce.

    You can go to panja support and ask them to update the translation of their theme.

    If you want to translate it yourself, use this plugin:

    Set up text replacements with these settings:
    Original word: exactly as seen
    Domain: pangja
    Context: leave blank
    Replacement word: in your language

    Thread Starter tufailafridi7


    I install say-what plugin and configured it as you mentioned above But It didn’t work. @lorro are you sure the “Text-domain” is pangja?

    The text-domain will be given in:
    near the top, around line 11
    (all lowercase)

    Note for example, for the PRODUCT column, the original string is
    the captials are only the result of a style.

    The Context setting should be empty.

    You can try woocommerce as the domain, but I don’t think its that because I tried French(ordinary French) on my site and Product was correctly translated to Produit.

    Do you have any other plugins which might be creating the cart table? It seems unlikely because it looks like a standard cart table.

    Please confirm that, at
    Dashboard > Settings > General
    Langue du site = Francais

    Thread Starter tufailafridi7


    It worked. Thank you so much. Actually I was writing price in upper case so that’s why it wasn’t working. Thanks once again.

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