• Resolved Conor


    Hi WordPress Community,

    I’ve run into an issue using Woocommerce and the 2023 theme that I’m hoping can somehow be resolved without changing theme:

    On my website anonsounds.co.uk I have just started putting together a shopfront (i am rebuilding another website). The business sells spare parts, and a huge amount of them so we need category pages that display their subcategories, and products to be displayed only when you have reached a bottom-level subcategory.

    The problem is that on the current theme, it only shows the products in a category, regardless of how many categories and subcategories that product has.

    This can be seen on anonsounds.co.uk/products, where the only test product is visible. however this product has a category and 2 subcategories you should have to click through before you can find it. (I do have the correct settings set in the customiser for displaying categories and subcategories). Upon opening it in the breadcrumb menu you can see it has skipped displaying a category and two subcategories.

    Upon switching to the shopfront theme in my staging site, without making any changes to plugins, the problem was immediately fixed, indicating to me it is a conflict with the 2023 theme and Woocommerce. I have also tested switching back to the original 2023 theme instead of my child 2023 theme but this did not fix the problem.

    Has anyone got any idea what I could do to resolve this?

    Kind Regards, Conor

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • It’s not a “conflict” at all.

    Let’s bear in mind that WooCommerce is a plugin, and WooCommerce products are custom post types and need plugin-specific theme templates for best results.

    The TT3 theme doesn’t have any WooCommerce-specific templates or features built-in, so this theme is going to treat WooCommerce products and categories the same way it treats standard WordPress posts and categories.

    So visiting the “products” or shop page lists all products (and not product categories), just as visiting your “blog” page lists all blog posts (and not post categories).

    The Storefront theme, on the other hand, was made by the same folks behind the WooCommerce plugin, and has a lot of features specifically designed to work with the WooCommerce plugin.

    For best results, switch to either the Storefront theme or another theme specifically designed for WooCommerce.

    If that’s a definite NO NO, then you’ll need to create custom templates in the TT3 theme to handle your WooCommerce products. In these templates, you’ll use various WooCommerce blocks to display exactly what you want displayed. (Luckily, this is all easy to do in a full-site editing theme like TT3.).

    If you need further help with this, please post in the WooCommerce plugin’s own support forum… so the plugin’s developers and support community can help you:


    Good luck!

    Thread Starter Conor


    There are settings to display categories on the assigned product page. It’s a pretty basic setting and as far as I can tell, works on most themes, so I would say this is a conflict. Being able to display categories seems like pretty basic functionality to me

    Ill post elsewhere

    Good luck then!

    Thread Starter Conor


    Upon doing some more testing, the problem is actually Full Site Editing themes, not the specific theme. I’ve run tests across several themes now, and all the classic themes have correct functionality, all the FSE do not.

    So clearly there is some issue here with the FSE and the way it handles categories, the question is is there a work around

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