• Hey there,

    I’m getting an alert message on all dashboard pages that’s supposed to be helpful I think . . but may not be working properly.

    Basically, I get the following message:

    In order for database caching to work with WooCommerce you must add _wc_session_ to the "Ignored Query Strings" option in W3 Total Cache settings here.

    . . . except that I have entered ‘_wc_session_’ to my ‘Ignored query stems’ settings area. Even so, the alert keeps appearing and there’s no way to dismiss it.

    I suspect it may be an issue of a typo:
    -the alert uses the language: Ignored Query Strings
    -the actual settings box uses the language: Ignored query stems
    so . . ‘Strings’ vs. ‘stems’ – just a hunch though not sure.

    Not sure if this has come up before on the forum, but if so, sorry for the duplicate.



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