
    Hello, when I want to add a product to the cart with the Yith WooCommerce Wishlist plugin enabled, it replaces all WooCommerce AJAX message notices with its own notice. I think this behaviour is caused by the file jquery.yith-wcwl.js on lines 154 – 165.

    Is it necessary to replace all WooCommerce message notices everywhere? Because now my default WooCommerce AJAX notices get replaced by this plugins’ notices.


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  • Plugin Support Juan Coronel


    Hello there,
    we hope you’re doing well!

    Do you mean when you add a product to the cart from any page or from the wishlist?

    Could you share the link to your site?

    We will be attentive to your response.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter STAGGS


    Hi Juan,

    It occurs on the product page. When I add product to cart – with WooCommerce AJAX add to cart enabled – it overrides the default WooCommerce cart message with the plugin cart message.

    Example: https://staggs.app/product/laptop/

    As you add product to cart, the message is being replaced immediately. Is there a way to disable this feature? That the message does not get replaced?

    Anticipating your response!

    Plugin Support Juan Coronel


    Hello there,

    Our plugin doesn’t really modify the cart related messages on the product page, only on the wishlist page.

    You say that if you deactivate our plugin, this stops happening? It does not happen to me in my installation.

    Do you have the latest version of the plugin installed?

    We will be attentive to your response.

    Best regards.

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